Chapter 12

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"Little Things"Chapter 12

Niall's POV

The next afternoon, Louis was very adamant about going shopping for clothes for Carrie. But, since we all knew that Carrie still wasn't well enough to go with him, Louis just wrote down all her sizes and decided to go anyway. Though he made sure to write down her favorite colors as well, which were blue, purple, and green.

And he very conveniently dragged Zayn, Harry, and Louis with him, leaving me alone with Carrie. I knew exactly what they were up to, and I wasn't exactly happy about it. I kind of felt like they were pressuring me to like Carrie. I mean, I knew deep down that I really did like Carrie, but I seriously resented the boys trying to rush things along. We'd only known Carrie for a few days anyways. We still didn't know a whole lot about her, yet. In time though, we would. At least I hoped we would.

I sat down on the floor next to the couch that Carrie was currently stretched out on, her eyes half closed. She was awake, but just barely. She'd been like this most of the day. I personally thought that she looked pretty darn cute when she was really sleepy like this. I think it was her medication that was making her so sleepy. She was currently taking a lot of pain meds!

I smiled at her and rubbed her shoulder, and asked, keeping my voice down so as not to startle her, "Do you need anything? Is there anything I can get for you?" I wondered if she was hungry yet. She really hadn't eaten much at all since she'd first gotten here. I was worried that she wasn't eating enough.

But she just shook her head sleepily, her eyes closing fully. Awwww. She was just so adorable. My stomach growled ravenously, effectively ruining the moment.

Reluctantly, I rose from my position on the floor. "I'll be right back," I whispered to Carrie, before heading for the kitchen to make myself a snack. A very big snack.

I basically just dumped almost all of the chips we had in a huge bowl. There were Doritos, cheetos, lays, and freetos. At the last minute, I decided to pop up a bag of popcorn, and poured that in as well. Ummm ummm good...

I walked back into the livingroom, carrying my delicious assortment of food, my stomach growling even more loudly now.

Carrie looked to be fast asleep on the couch, her hands resting gently on her stomach. Again, she was so adorable! I sat my food down on the floor next to the couch and quickly set up the Xbox, intending on a nice relaxing afternoon playing video games, eating to my heart's desire, with Carrie sleeping on the couch, looking like an angel sent down from heaven.

I shook my head at that last thought and settled down to play a good old fashioned game of Halo. This was the life. I was constantly reaching over, grabbing more and more chips and popcorn.

About an hour later, I nearly peed myself when Carrie unexpectedly yelled, "The answer is 40! The answer is 40!" I twisted around and looked at her, completely confused.

Her eyes were half open and she was pointing at the TV screen.

I placed my hand on the side of her face. "Sweetie, you're just dreaming," I said softly, fighting the urge to smile.

Her gaze met mine for a moment and she repeated sleepily, while still pointing at the TV, "The answer is 40." Her eyes drifted shut again, and she continued to mumble something about the number 40.

I just chuckled and returned to my game, a bemused expression still lingering on my face. I found that whole little episode absolutely hilarious. Carrie was so cute when she talked in her sleep like that. It made me just want to hug her so much.

A little while later, I realized that Carrie was awake again, when she started stealing my food. Again. But, she was so thin, and I knew that she should be eating something. So I just shrugged it off and continued with my game.

"So, what were you dreaming about babe?" I asked, grinning slyly up at her. She just looked down at me from her position on the couch above me, with an extremely confused expression. She obviously didn't remember about her little episode from earlier.

I laughed and said, "About an hour ago, you were sure convinced that the answer was 40. " I grinned and popped another chip in my mouth.

Her cheeks flushed and she replied, her voice sounding quite groggy, "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about."

"You talk in your sleep, Carebear, " I said, while silently congratulating myself on coming up with a cute nickname for Carrie.

She just giggled and said, "I like that nickname!" She flopped back down on the couch, an audible sigh escaping from her lips. I chuckled and stood up, stretching my stiff legs.

"Okay, I'm gonna' move you over a bit so I can sit on the couch, too, okay?"She just nodded, still looking quite out of it.

I just shook my head, laughing quietly. I bent down, and very gently lifted her legs up about a foot or so. She let out a small gasp. I looked at her anxiously, trying my best not to hurt her.

Her eyes were squeezed shut tightly, and I just knew that I'd hurt her. I felt my heart constrict, feeling guilty all of a sudden.

"You gonna' sit down anytime soon?" She mumbled, her eyes still closed. I hurried and sat down, draping her legs gently over my lap. She winced again, but relaxed just as quickly.

I mumbled an apology and she nodded, signifying that she'd heard me. We sat like that for a while, in companionable silence. It wasn't awkward at all, actually. I found myself enjoying it. The only sound in the room was the two of us munching on chips and popcorn.

Fairly soon, though, Carrie fell asleep again. I knew this without even looking up, because her whole body just seemed to relax all of a sudden.

I smiled to myself, resisting the urge to brush her shoulder length dark brown hair out of her face. I was afraid that I'd wake her up. So, I just sat there quietly, unable to force myself to look away from her beautiful, and vulnerable face.

It was at this moment that I realized that she must really trust me. Otherwise, she wouldn't have fallen asleep in front of me. She'd be too afraid that I might do something to her while she was sleeping.

I felt my cheeks growing warm as I realized that she'd opened her eyes again and was just lying there quietly, staring up at me.

She giggled and asked, her voice small and tired sounding, "Why are you staring at me?" She yawned then, looking if possible, even cuter than before. And I really had no idea how that was possible.

But, luckily, I was saved from having to answer her, by none other than Louis.

"WE'RE HOME!" he yelled, slamming the door dramatically behind him, causing us both to jump. I saw Carrie wince in pain as she clutched at her ribs.

I had a feeling that she wasn't going to get anymore sleep today. Not with Louis in the house.

Author's Note: Hey everyone! Sorry for the super long wait. I've just been focusing on school, cause' I'm really not doing very well at the moment. And I've been focusing on my other stories for a bit.

Please go read my other stories: "A New Dawn", "Begin Again", "1D One Shots", and the new story that I'm co-writing with @Iloveanirishboy ! "Beautiful Mistake"

Please, comment, vote, and fan! And follow me on twitter @hazzabear96

Peace Out!

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