Chapter 25

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Carrie's POV

     By now, I figured that I had been here for appromiximately a month. Maybe more, or maybe less. There was just no way for me to tell. Not that I really even cared. I didn't care about anything or anyone anymore. My cousin, my boyfriend, and my best friends were all dead. And it was all because of me. It was all my fault. I had pissed my father off, and this was his revenge.

   My father had long since dispensed of the chains that they had been using to restrain me. I was of no danger to them now. I was huddled in a corner of the basement, all alone. There was still no way for me to escape. They always kept the basement door locked, even when they were in the room with me. They had even gone so far as to remove any objects from the room that I could use against them - or against myself.

   Because, belive me when I say this, but if I could I would do anything to kill my asshole of a father and his litle sidekick, Trey. They had taken away from me everything that I cared about. They both deserved to die.

   But, a part of me just wanted to end it all. I didn't want to be in a world without Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry. They were the only people in this world that cared about me. That loved me. And now they were all gone. And there was nothing that I could do to change that.

   I knew that my father would eventually get tired or bored with me. Then, I would die. There would be no reason for him to keep me alive anymore. And after my huge display of emotion when my father had given me the news about the boys, I had completely closed myself off from the two of them. No matter what they did to me, I didn't make a sound or shed a tear. My mind no longer seemed to have the capacity for any kind of emotions. So, I knew that my father was growing bored of me, and was running out of new and more sadistic ways to screw with me. He was going to get rid of me soon. He was going to kill me.

   And I was fine with that.

   Sometime later - not sure how much time had passed - I was brought out of my thoughts by some kind of commotion going on upstairs. I couldn't tell what it was, but it sounded like someone was yelling. I wondered who it was. It didn't sound like my father or Trey. Trust me, I knew what their voices sounded like when they were yelling, and this was definently not them.

   The yelling got louder and louder, and footsteps pounded above me, sounding as if they were getting closer and closer to where I was being held prisoner. It was probably just another one of my dad's friends coming down to have his way with me. It certainly wouldn't surprise me. And it didn't really scare me. Nothing scared me anymore.

   The basement door opened and I squinted into the light that it provided. I couldn't make out who was standing in the light of the door. I stood up and limped out of the corner that I was huddled in and stood in full view of the person that had come down to do more awful things to me. There was no point in hiding or resisting. I just wanted to get this over with.

   The person - whoever it was - gasped and seemed almost to trip down the stairs towards me. I still couldn't tell who it was, as my eyes still hadn't adjusted to the light flooding in yet.

   "Carrie?!" he gasped, seeming shocked. Who was this guy? His voice sounded so familiar, but it fluttered on the edge of my mind. I couldn't quite remember who it was.

   But, in the next moment, all question flew out of my mind as the person stepped out of the light and stood just a few steps away from me. I could finally make out his face. A face that I only saw in my dreams now.



Author's Note: Hey wonderful people! So, I know that this chapter is pretty short, but I just had to end it there. It just seemed right. Anyways, I hope y'all like this chapter, and please feel free to vote, comment, or follow me. Only a few chapters left. I really have enjoyed writing this story, even though it's taken so long. I'll update again as soon as possible.

   And please check out the Prolouge of my new story, "Through the Dark". It's a 5 Seconds of Summer fanfiction and I really hope some of y'all will join me on that journey, too.

                                                                                                      Until next time...


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