2 - King Kotaro

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Karino and Takei dashed up the stairs and then went to Kotaro's room. There he was, he was sitting on the floor, covering his ears.

"Hey kid," Karino says, "I'm sorry- We are sorry for making you upset. It's just... The new girl is really ticking us off, wanna watch Tonosanman together?"

"It would be tis pleasure for me to watch Tonosnman with you however, the young tenant needs much more attention than I," Kotaro replied

They didn't know they had a person who was there, nearby and heard Kotaro sad followed by the words 'new tenant'. Who is that person? Isamu. •-•

"YOU HURT WITTLE KOTARO!?" Was heard from downstairs. U h   O h

"SH- Crap!" Karino yelled, dashing down the stairs.

"I hurt him?.... I'm sorry, please spare the argument for later, I need to go help Kotaro." Kushina said.

"You're not going anywhere yet, I should deal with you before you hurt wit- Wæh" Isamu was held back from the young girl by Takei and Karino.

"Calm down there sir Isamu, this is not lady Yuma's fault, violence is not the answer," Kotaro says

It is true. Violence is not the answer, it's the question, and the answer is yes. ✨✨

"Fine....." Isamu stopped trying to attack the young girl and was about to say sorry but, to no avail, the girl was gone.

The girl's apartment was wide open, however, there was no girl. Karino turned off the lights and closed the door. After a while, they decided to try to ignore the girl and continue with their lives this girl waltzed into their lives and then havoc and more havoc occurs. They all think it's a bit off but Kotaro refuses to let the young girl be left alone. He says it's cowardly to leave a girl alone when she's clearly being stalked and bullied.

Hours later, the girl returns and leaves gifts with cards on their door. It was all gifts for everyone, there was also a sorry note with it all. They all got their presents after hours of them being delivered. Karino got a box full of treats, Takei got a box full of flowers, Isamu got plushes for his son, and Kotaro got a Tonosanman toy with a crown. The card in Kotaros present said 'Sorry for making you so upset today, I swear I didn't mean to so I got a gift for you. A crown for you, dear prince Kotaro. Now everyone must listen to you'

Is what the card said. Kotaro took the gift and wore the crown, the world shall fear the great and wise, Kotaro Sato! The greatest king that was ever alive!

Kotaro left his room and walked into Karino's room.

"Hey kid, what's up with the crown?" Karino asked

"Hm, this crown is for I, the great and strong Kotaro. Obey my wishes as for I am king" Kotaro replied

Karino looked at the kid. Funny how this kid carved his way into his heart. Karino couldn't help himself when he saw how cute and wholesome this kid was being. He had to thank Kushina for this, he wasn't upset with her but more confused about why the teen isn't asking for help when she clearly needs it. He thought he could follow the girl to her school and report this to the teachers when Kotaro goes to school. His next manga deadline was in 4 months anyway. 

"Sir Karino, I think it would be the greatest of ideas to thank Lady Yumi for the wondrous gifts, I'm sure you've had acquired some from Lady Yumi as well," Kotaro said

"Good idea kid," Karino said and then they went to Kushinas room to thank her. They arrived, knocked on the door, and waited for Yumi to open the door.

"Hello there!" Kushina said, oddly enough, her face had no bruises and she looked just fine as if a few hours ago she wasn't continuously beaten.

"Lady Yumi, I thank you for the gift you have given to me, Sir Karino also would like to thank you for these lovely gifts," Kotaro said

"Yeah, thanks Kushina," Karino said, "What happened to your bruises? They disappeared or something?"

"Oh, it's just some slight makeup to cover it up, anyways It was no problem giving the gifts, it's just I feel bad for walking in your life and making it complex," Kushina said

"It's fine or whatever ever but if you need help, tell your teachers or someone, okay?" Karino said, after Kotaro, he turned more and more into a fatherish figure.

"Aye, tis is important for one to call for help when in peril" Kotaro added.

"Thank you, but I must get going, glad you guys enjoyed your gifts!" Kushina said and closed the door.

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