3 - School

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It was a few days after that long day with the new tenant, Karino decided it was time for him to give Kushina a helping hand and make sure this extreme teasing stopped. It was stalking, I think, but whatever Karino. Anyways, Karino found the school Kushina goes to. It was a really lovely school and it looks like rich people go there, shocked, Karino decided to wait till after picking up Kotaro to report the bullying. In the meantime, he took his extra time thinking and designing the next manga part for his job. He checked the time and realized he was a bit later than usual so he dashed there, trying to get there as soon as possible.

"Oh, Kotaro! Karino is here!" The teacher said

After sweet Kotaro heard these words, he rushed to get his things and went out to go back to the apartment complex. It was a quiet but soothing journey in the cool breezy wind. 

"Hey uh, kid, I need to go make an errand so if you need anything, ask Takei or uh- Isamu. Okay?" Karino said

"Aye, best of luck on tis adventure," Kotaro replied

After that, Karino set off. He walked there and found even more bullying just outside the school gate. This pissed him off. How could a school ignore this, especially right outside the gate where they could visibly see it. The kids looked at the older man and panicked a little.

"Oh uhh- We should go...Bye!" With that, the kids ran off, and there laid Kushina.

"God...Hey, I told you to ask for help. Why not?" Karino asked, staring at the bruised girl

"I have. I screamed for help but not a single person moved a finger to help me. Its...Like a curse or something. I reported this, ran to the police, and told my guardian and nothing changed. I don't know what to do at this point." Kushina answered, laying there.

Karino practically stomped into the school and told a teacher of the situation only for the teachers to say 'it's okay, kids play around these days' and 'Oh, okay well we are doing our best at the moment. They also said they were understaffed but you could see all the teachers on their phones and chilling while ignoring the mess right outside the gates. He was shocked to hear this, no wonder she hasn't don't anything. She tried already and gave up. He walked out of the school, extremely upset. He was determined to beat the fuck out of the next person who would beat Kushina again. He was at the gate and saw Kushina was already gone. Karino ran to the apartments to see the young teen was already in her room, safe and sound. Karino was impressed, who could run that fast so far? (✨ShEs A rUnNeR sHeS a TrAcKsTaR✨)- He walked to his room and prepared to go to the bathhouse with Kotaro for a relaxing bath.

Once they started walking, Kotaro asked a few things.

"Sir Karino, how did it go with Lady Kushina?" He indeed was a smart boy

"Eh, it went alright kiddo," Was all Karino was willing to say, he can't tell this kid who is going through some stuff already about other issues. He's only a kid after all.

(So sorry about the long stall only for it to be a short chapter, hope you gave a great time though. Again apologies for a long wait and short chapter)

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