[☁️] shoto :: en vtuber

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pretty short but i wanted to update this book since its been forever and also bc this has been rotting in my drafts lmao


shoto :: independent en vtuber
part 1 out of 3

3rd pov:

"hey, get up. for a strong demon slayer, ya sure are having trouble killing me, hm?" y/n stood over shoto, his foot placed on top of the semi-unconscious male's back.

he sighs, placing more of his weight on his foot. "oi, don't tell me you're dead?" he stares at shoto who was breathing slowly, his body covered by sweat, blood, dirt and dust.

y/n removes his foot from shoto's back, his tail swaying lightly behind him. he crouches down besides the demon slayer's head and pokes his cheek.

"heyy~ mr. demon slayer~ wake up~... i'm getting bored here..." y/n pouts, his eyebrows furrowing together as he lets out a huff of annoyance.

"ngh... shut the fuck u-up.." shoto grunts as he tries sitting up, his arms trembling from the lack of energy and strength.

shoto yelps in surprise as he lost the feeling in his arms and he almost smushes his face on the ground, if it wasn't for y/n wrapping an arm around shoto's chest and keeping him from falling.

"easy there... look, i don't want to fight with someone who's injured. as weird as that sounds, especially from someone like me. oh but when you get better, find me and i'll be happy to fight you again~" y/n laughs as he grabs the rest of shoto's smaller body and lays him down on his back.

"f-fucker... i'll.. kill you." shoto glares at the smirking demon, his hands placed above his abdomen, shielding the bruise on the area. in the back of his mind he silently thanked the taller for handling his injured body gently.

"ooh~ sounds fun." y/n stands up, patting down his clothes to get rid of any dirt. "you're hella strong so fighting you is fun~ plus your face is my type, and your ass is pretty nice too~" he purrs, and winks at shoto flirtatiously.

shoto's eyes widen and a blush spreads across his cheeks in embarrassment. "y-you vile demon! fucking pervert!" he screams at him, coughing harshly afterwards.

"hey now, take it easy. also you're better off screaming my name instead of those mean words~ oh, how you wound me~" y/n says, dramatically placing his hand over his heart and sniffling obnoxiously, letting out fake sobs.

he grins at shoto who rolls his eyes in reply, as he turns and opens up a portal to his destination.

he turns to leave but stops and gets rid of the portal, instead going back to shoto and sitting on his knees next to him. "ugh, get... the fuck away from... me... bitch." shoto glares at the demon, trying to gain as much of his energy as possible just in case he was attacked.

"man, can't you be nicer to me?" y/n sighs and rolls his eyes, before placing his hands on shoto's chest. "hey- what a-are you-" the demon slayer is cut off when a light engulfs his body and his wounds were mostly healed.

"sorry, i don't use healing magic as much so you probably aren't completely healed." y/n smiles at him. shoto's eyes widened in surprise, before he regains his composure and backs away quickly from the h/c haired demon.

"you're stupid aren't you? healing an enemy just like that." shoto sneers at him, his eyebrows knitted together to form an expression of anger and confusion.

"eh, can't have you killed just yet. i wanna play with you some more~" y/n says, a nonchalant tone in his voice before turning away from shoto.

shoto's face flushed at his words. him? cute? like hell he's cute!

a new portal appears infront of him, its colors of blue and red swirling together, tints of purple scattered across it.

"well, i'll see you later, cutie. don't die anytime soon!" the demon smirks at him and waves, before abruptly disappearing with the circular light.

"stupid fucking demon, like hell i'd die that easily," shoto mumbled to himself, observing his body for any wounds. surprisingly, he didn't find that many.

after he checked his body, he found himself remembering his enemy's words earlier. "you're better off screaming my name instead of those mean words~"
a blush made its way on his face, and shoto smacks his hands on his head. "no, no. shoto you dumbass don't go falling for him! he's a demon!" he scolds himself.

"he's a demon... but he healed his enemy.. he was gentle.. he had every opportunity to kill me earlier but he didn't.." shoto mumbled to himself, lowering gis hands and instead fumbling with his thumbs absentmindedly. "our fights are never too dangerous, he doesn't hit me with powerful spells... damn it, i should've killed him the first time! if i did then i..." he could hear his heart thump loudly in his ears.

"i wouldn't be this attached to him now... ugh." he frowns to himself, laying himself back on the ground. "do i even want to kill him at this point?... or am i using it as an excuse to see him?"

yo. its been way too fucking long LOL. im sorry, tho i did say since the beginning that i'll update in my own pace. unfortunately ive just been busy with school and just life in general. not to mention i lost all interest in writing for a good while(damn no shit😮‼️)

but yeah i probably wont upload anytime soon. maybe. but i wouldnt get my hopes up if i were u since ive got saturday classes now as well. rip.

see ya in the next update! also pls vote this story is so ratioed when it comes to reads and votes i am lowkey embarrassed LMAOOO

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