[☁️] shoto :: en vtuber

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a/n: holy shit, an actual request⁉️ ok but seriously, thanks for the request! i was actually planning on making a second part for this story lol.

shoto :: indie en vtuber
part 2 out of 3

anyways, here ya go. enjoy :]

3rd person pov

shoto sighed frustratingly as he held his head in his hands. it was easy to tell he was stressed, but stressed about what, exactly?

none of his guild members knew the reason, so they only gave him sympathetic pats on the back and words of encouragement to try to get him out of the slump he's currently in.

but what is the reason for his frustration? easy. it's his current target, the cheeky but powerful demon, y/n.

these days the two of them rarely met, due to shoto being busy with the guild. y/n would often disguise himself and leave letters on shoto's doorstep, writing to him about where he would be at a certain time, so he would know where and when to go if he wanted to fight.

these letters often reminded shoto of his archenemy, and how since their last fight... he started to like him- not that he'd ever say it out loud!

shoto sighed then decided to leave the guild and go home. once he's home, he finds another letter addressed to him with familiar penmanship.

looking around quickly, he grabbed it off of the floor then went inside his house, locking the door behind him. he scurried off to his room and jumped on his bed before he carefully opened the letter and began reading.

'hey shoto~

tomorrow at 5 pm, ginto plains. i'll be waiting for you :D

i hope to see you again, cutie~ -y/n'*

the demon slayer scoffed at the nickname, a slight blush appearing on his face. he thought over his schedule, and conveniently enough, he didn't have anything to do during that time.

'fine then, tomorrow, im definitely killing you!' he thought to himself, feeling determined to achieve his goal. because after all, if he doesn't get rid of y/n... he might just give up entirely.

-timeskip to the next day, 3pm-

shoto pants lightly, as he's been walking for the past hour. ginto plains was pretty far from his house, and the terrain was impossible to cross by vehicle or any form of transportation. so, he has no option but to walk.

somehow, he actually thought he got there quicker than he expected.

the black haired male made sure to be alert and hide himself once he was close. he checked his surroundings for any sign of the taller demon, but he wasn't anywhere.

"looking for me, sweetcheeks?~" y/n snickerd as he effortlessly dodged the dagger that aimed for his neck. "woah there, babe~ it's dangerous to swing such a sharp object around~" he jumped back a few meters. shoto glared at him, getting into a defensive stance.

"aw, come on now~ don't be so hostile, shoto! it's been a while since we met, hasn't it?" he grinned at the shorter male, a playful smile on his face as he stood.

"shut up and die!" shoto lunged in the demon's direction. y/n chuckled, as he dodged and disarmed the demon slayer easily, before grabbing him by the waist, encasing the shorter boy in his arms.

"ah~ this is better than fighting, dont you think so too?" y/n smirked at him playfully, a single fang poking out from underneath his lips. the black haired male wriggled in his strong but gentle grasp.

"no! l-let me go! don't touch me!" shoto struggled for a few moments before he went limp in y/n's arms. he sighed, "stupid y/n. i hate you and your dumb strength!"

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