Amy- hey Devon what's up
Devon- not much just waiting on your sister we are going to the park to get pictures done
Amy- I guess so why and I got what your looking for with alyass
Devon- she wants to that's why and anything she wants it happened you already know this tell me all that it
Amy- she said that she wanna pink and red toes all in the floor when she walks in and it will be in a small place with just her and him they will be slow love songs playing not stop but not to loud just so you could hear them but already each other and they will be a candle light dinner
Devon- that's not to bad at all that's what I had in my mind to do but I just wanna to make sure that it was right but thank you for finding out for me
Amy- don't worry about it just do me cone thing make that night one that she won't never forget
Devon- I'm going to try my best to amy I promise that but she will be down any time so let's talk about something else
Amy- ok i was just leaveing really
Devon- oh so you just leave to be
Amy- it's for the best right now I got to stay from my sister now since I know how she wants it all in scared that I might tell her
Devon- you can't tell her about any of it amy keep it to your self
Alyass- keep what to her self
Devon- nothing sweetie
Alyass- the hell
Devon- it's nothing to worry about sweetie I promise
Alyass- do you and my sister got something going on behide my back and you want her keep it her self so I don't know I though you loved me
Amy- alyass wait stop doing that right now you know better than me and Devon he loves you with all his heart and I'm your sister I would never hurt you like that so hell no that's not what he talking about at all but really it ain't nothing
Alyass- then what tell me what your hideing right now
Devon- I'm not hideing anything at all
Amy- same here
Alyass- your both are lieing to me and I know something going on since you don't tell me anything
Devon- amy you need tell your sister what your hideing for her before I lose her for good
Amy- I can't let that happened I know you both would be heart broken
Devon- yes now just talk and tell her plz
Amy- Devon caught me on the phone with a boy and we was talking about sex and he told me to keep it to myself
Alyass- really that's all
Devon- yes
Amy- yes
Alyass- I feel so bad now baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to act like that I know that you love me and would never hurt me I'm just tried and everything geting to me right now do you forgive me
Devon- I always do baby and you have nothing to be sorry about I would though the same thing if it was the other way around and it's ok baby just know that your the only girl I want in my life and I mean that you are the only one that I love
Be my princess
RomanceThis is the second book to your the one In this book alyass and deven will be geting married