Finally married part 3

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Devon- Tiffany there you are we need to talk right now

Tiffany- hey have you came for my help cos I will be glad to help you

Devon- what are you talking about

Tiffany- your ready to leave alyass now you finally see her true self and see the bitch that she is

Devon- Tiffany listen to me I don't know what your damn deal is right now but you don't get to sit here and talk shit about my wife at her own wedding and she not a bitch

Tiffany- you can't see the truth when it bites you in the face can you Devon you don't need to be with someone like her

Devon- you don't get to tell me who I get to be with or anything and I'm not going to let you sit here and talk about my wife like you are so why don't you shut up and mind you own and stop calling her a bitch

Tiffany- she is a bitch she got todd took from me and she hads make my life a liveing hell and I just don't think you need someone like her

Devon- she did the right thing Tiffany he was hurting you guys she just wanna to help you and help her self and her sister

Tiffany- I loved him Devon I let him do them things to me why don't you under stand that

Devon- no you didn't love him and you know that you didn't let him do anything to you stop lieing

Tiffany- maybe your right but he took care of me when no one else would you was to busy with alyass to see anything that was going on in my life and that's how it's been since you been with her and I know that's how it always will be

Devon- that's a lie and you know it I was always there for you and I always will be you know that alyass has never told me I couldn't be there for you and you know she knew would do that

Tiffany- it don't matter what you say I don't like her and I wish she never asked me to be the wedding at all I shouldn't be here at all

Devon- she asked you for me I ask her if she would ask you to be the wedding she did it for me so maybe next time you shouldn't talk crap but it's whatever I'm not going to let you do that anymore yes your my sister and I do love you but alyass is my wife and I love her to and you will not treat her like shit

Tiffany- yeah whatever you say I don't want to hear it anymore just go and leave me along and get out my face

Devon- no I won't do that

Tiffany- yea you are I don't want to see you and anyways you have somewhere to be at with your do called wife

She don't know what best for her at all but I'm not going to let her get to me it was time to get out of here and head off to my honeymoon with my lovely wife

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