15 • Calling

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Jimin was nervous.

As in palms sweaty, Leg shaking, unstable breathing—Nervous. Very nervous.

He was aware he might piss himself if he drank any more of his water so that's why there's a half empty bottle of purified water lying open on his coffee table along with two small candy wrappers haphazardly thrown onto the glass table but Jimin was too busy staring at his phone to care—Where Jeon Jungkook's number was typed in; by courtesy of Cypher's Manager of course.

The digits were glaring at Jimin within the dimness of his living room from where he sat in the middle of his carpet with his pointer finger tucked in between his teeth.

Should he call? He shouldn't.

Maybe a text was better? No!

He should call, It's more polite! More formal!

Jimin groans and slaps his forehead a few times. It was normal for him to be nervous upon contacting a complete stranger, but his big fat crush on the rapper did not help whatsoever. It only made his feelings double tenfold.

"Park Jimin, Just call." The vocalist mumbles under his breath, picking up his phone from the carpet and quickly pressing the call button before he could think of anything.

He starts regretting his decision immediately when he felt taunted with his phone's ringtone rather than calm. The longer the ringing lasted, The more fidgety he became.

The phone flashes red and Jimin feels the disappointment pulse through his system.

He didn't pick up.

He sighs and grabs his water bottle to down the rest of it. He could try again but he was worried he might look desperate.

He and his members had an interview in a few hours, Another call wouldn't hurt.



"Seokjin-hyung!" Jungkook calls from his seat, a frown on his features.

"Do you know this number?" He asks, showing his phone to his manager who sat on the driver's seat.

"Nope." Jin replied nonchalantly, shaking his head and returning his gaze back on the road. He hadn't memorized Jimin's number and didn't expect him to call this soon so he didn't have time to tell the latter that he should be expecting a call.

"Really? huh." Jungkook huffed out, wracking his brain to see if he remembers the digits at all or if he had seen it before somewhere.

Who could it be? It shouldn't be a sasaeng right?

He just changed his number for fucks sake.

"How 'bout you Joon-hyung?" Jungkook asked, flipping his phone to show his fellow rapper who sat behind him in their van.

"Nah." Namjoon grunted out.


"I don't either." The other calls out.

Jungkook sighs and ends the call, his phone flashing red. He returns to scrolling on his twitter but stops when the same number starts calling him again.

"What the fuck?" Jungkook says exasperatedly.

With a groan he answers the call and puts it on speaker just in case Seokjin needed to say stuff for damage control. It could still be a sasaeng for all Jungkook knows.

«Hello?» A soft and timid voice filtered out.

"Hello?" Jungkook answered, frowning and sitting upright. 

«It's Jimin.» The voice replied timidly.

"Huh?" Jungkook asks, eyes widening.

«It's Jimin. Park Jimin of Serendipity.» He replies, a bit louder this time.

Jungkook is all but flustered. His members we're out of their seats in an instant, all staring at him with a knowing smile along with their manager who was wiggling his brows at Jungkook suggestively.

"U-Uhm..I--Uh..." Jungkook clears his throat, cheeks flushing. "Hi!"

If there was something Jungkook was known for it was his talent,

If it's not that then it's his massive crush on Serendipity's main vocalist—Park Jimin.

His answer to every interview and every written survey asking him about his ideal type it was always Jimin, Park Jimin, Jimin of Serendipity.

Heck he had even called out to the male in Yu Huiyeol's sketchbook. He had sent a live call for Jimin, Asking him for his time to work on a song or do a collaboration—anything.

He just couldn't make the call himself because he felt as if he was prying, and that Jimin wouldn't want to collaborate with him since their styles we're so different.

But low and behold, His long time crush is calling him right. fucking. now.

"W-Why would you call?" Jungkook stuttered out.

«W-Well uhm... I really like your music—»

"Thank you!" Jungkook replied quickly, flushing at the attention of the people in the car as they listened to their conversation.

«A-And well, I was hoping to w-work with you on a song? If you'd like?»

"I'd love that." Jungkook replied breathily, lips twitching upward.

«R-Really? I actually have an interview scheduled in a few minutes, Is it okay if—»

"I'll call you." Jungkook rasps out. "I'll call you, And we can talk more."

«O-Okay, I'd love that. Thank you!»

Jimin hangs up first and Jungkook barely gets his mind to grasp on the even that had just happened.

"I'm getting married." He grunts out, sliding down his seat with a love sick sigh.

He quickly saves Jimin's contact with a single black heart and closes his eyes while his members fall into solemn laughter.

"Park Jimin." Jungkook whispered in awe, rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming.


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