Traffic Lights - Lena Meyer Landrut

135 14 2

24.4.15 voice kids Finale :D

syr musste grad sein. Und nein der Song landet hier nicht drin weil sie auch Coach ist.

Der landet hier echt nur weil er mir im Radio echt gehörig auf die Nerven geht. Ehrlich, der Chorus ist echt anstregend zu hören genau wie bei I really like you.

Satellite von 2010 fand ich ja echt genial, der klang anders, ihre Stimme war da auch mega und fiel echt krass auf. Aber auch wenn sie mittlerweile ihre Songs selber schreibt, die Stimmenfarbe in dem Song mit kombi der Melodie find ich echt schreklich.

Tut mir leid, wenn irgendjemand den Song mega findet, aber die Gesangseinlage von ihr, als sie Britney Spears gesungen hat bei der Aufzeichnung, war echt geil.

Jedenfalls jetzt find ich den Song nur nervig und bin auch froh das der kaum im Radio gespielt wird wird. Aber ich will mal nicht so viel vorn weg nehmen, macht euch selebr nen Bild von :)

———- Songtext ———-

The traffic light

Waits for you to tell me the tale of a shattered life, tonight

And I just passed by when you have had the chance to fight

Or would you spend your last days alone

Thinkin nobody would have cared

or known just look me in the eye and see that its a light

So youre telling me, this is how youre going down

You thought that I never really wanted you around

Well you are way off track to think like that

Coz now you have taken back, everything that you ever said

bout how Id never want to see you again

Well this is what I, what I left behind

What I left behind, what I left behind

Need a change

In a minute of my time did I get your name?

Well you say, that I havent been asked that in years

Now I think, the traffic light that stood in the way

So that I can hear what you had to say

Im half way through your story

Cant help thinking that youre just like me

This is how Im going down

I thought that they never really wanted me around

Well I was way off track to think like that

Coz now Im taken back, everything that I ever said

bout how theyd never want to see me again

Well this is what I, what I left behind

Forgetting about ourselves

Is like history that dust is covering left on the self, on the self

The crosswalks make the way for us to say what we need to say

Yeah, this is how youre going down

You thought Id never really wanted you around

Well you were way off track to think like that

Coz now you have taken back, everything that you ever said

bout how I never want to see you again

Well this is what I, what I left behind

This is how youre going down

This is what I, what I left behind.

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