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Danielle walked into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. "You better not burn the house down" she said seeing tuck stirring grits

"I know what I'm doing, can you make the pancakes" he asked

"Yeah" she said grabbing the pancake mix

"So when is mom and dad getting back" she asked pouting some mix into a big bowl

"This is their third day there so their going to be back tomorrow" tuck answered

"Oh ok" she said adding water and cinnamon

"I'll go wake them up" tuck said putting the grits on sim

"Alright She said pouring a little of the pancake mix in the pan

"TIME TO GET UP" tuck screamed walking down the hall then banging on each of there door except for Gabrielle's. He walked in and merged to her bed "time to get up" he said in a soft "come downstairs when your done fully waking up and brushing your teeth" he said before walking out the room

"That's was a very dramatic way to wake us up" Isaiah said walking out his room as tuck walked out of Gabrielle's

"Well I didn't want to go into the rooms one by one. It's actually a really good way to get you guys up" he said starting his way downstairs

"Alright the pancakes are almost done start the eggs" Danielle said to tuck walking into the kitchen

"Alright" he said grabbing a bowl. All the kids came downstairs. Gabrielle sat down and so did Bj. Isaiah grabbed plates and set them all on the island lined up. Mia grabbed cups and gave everyone either apple juice or orange juice—their choice. When tuck and Danielle finished cooking they tuck put grits, Isaiah followed behind him with the eggs and Danielle followed behind Isaiah with the pancakes. When all the food was plated the three brought the plates to the table and put them down in front of the right person, Gabrielle got the last plate with less food and the proportion got bigger by the age

They all finished eating and cleaned up. They split ways and went got do whatever


Miranda woke up with her leg and arm thrown across ben.

"Good morning my beautiful wife" he said kissing her forehead

"Good morning my handsome husband" she said kissing his chest that her head was resting on

"So what do you want to do today. We can go shark snorkeling, biking around, ohh we can go jet skiing." Ben said throwing out ideas

"I'm not snorkeling with no damn sharks im not up for biking around in this hot as weather. I think jet skiing is a better option" she said

"Alright be ready in 40 minutes. I seen the place yesterday, I looked it up and the provide the jet ski's. We just have to pay for it when we get there" ben explained

"Ok" Miranda's said crawling over him and his morning wood rubbed against her clit. She stopped and tried to compose herself, they did not have time for this.

"Baby what's wrong" ben said moving to try and scoot up

"Stop moving" she said moving her hand to his chest and she tried to move herself slowly off him but she just ended up rubbing him more smearing her juices, she moaned lowly

"Damn baby I see why you said don't move" ben said, he grabbed her waist and moved her back and forth on him

"Mmmm fuck Benjamin we don't have time for this" she moaned

"Whose rushing us" he said and before she could say anything back he easily slipped in

"Ohhh" she moaned out then started slowly moving back and forth on him

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