The after math

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Amelia POV

When I woke up, I felt the room spinning. It was quiet. You could hear the birds singing outside.

I tried to get up but I couldn't. My hands were tied up to the bed frame. My legs were also tied. At first, I didn't freak out. I was in a room that was well decorated. I could see that it was morning.

How did I get here? Last thing I could remember was that I was at the Miller's party and I drank a little bit. I remember I had a conversation with someone. But who? Have I been kidnapped? No, that's not possible.

"You guys, this isn't funny." I didn't hear anything.
"Hahaha you had your fun, the joke is over"
"Can someone come and untie me please? Ally, this isn't funny."
Everything was quiet.
"Hello is anyone out there? Someone please help me." Nobody heard me, nobody heard my cries for help. I was alone for the very first time. I wasn't able to say my final good bye to grandma.

I cried for the first time since my papa died. I cried for my nana. She would leave this world without knowing how thankful I was, how much I love her. I didn't cry for myself, I cried for her.

Would my parents look for me?

Mark POV

I woke up around 12. I wanted to leave right away but then again I wouldn't want them to suspect it was me. I needed to see this thing unfold.

"Hey, can I get some food?" I ask Cody as I pass his living room, where he was currently laying down on the sofa.
" Yeah no problem bro" he said with a yawn "what time did you go to sleep"
"I fell asleep like around 8 why did anything happen" I said while pouring orange juices on a cup for me and other for him
" Not that I remember. we where pretty tired. I was surprise that Amelia left really early u..."I interrupted him by handling his glass " thanks man. like I was. Saying usually she stays until the very end"
" I saw her before I went upstair, she look a little upset. I heard her say something about Jordan" hahaha see planting the seed hahahaahaha. Jordan is a suspect.

After I help Cody clean I left to "work".
But first I went home.
"Good afternoon Mr.Harris, did you had a nice night" said our maid Amanda
"Yes. After the party was over we stay at Cody's house. Did my mother call"
I ask
She reply with a simple "No mr. Harris"
I could say I felt disappointed, but this happen to many times.
"Don't worry Mr.harris , she'll probably call this afternoon" she said with a hoping tone.
"If either of them call please call me. I'm going to the house my grandparents left me to fix some of the stuff. "

Ones I arrive to the house I went to the kitchen and started to make her favorite breakfast.

Amelia Pov

I heard the door open.
"Help is some one there please can some one help me" still nobody answer me but this time I heard noises
Like if they where looking for something
"Please help me!!!" I heard footstep coming closer to the door
" Thank god! Hello please can you untied me. I don't know how I got here please" they didn't say anything. I just saw the door knob moving

And then somebody step in. I could tell it was a guy. but I couldn't tell who he was. he had a mask on
" Please help me I promise I won't tell anyone if you let me go."
He reply by shaking his head saying no
"Why, why are you doing this, do I know you"
He didn't say anything he just put I plate by my legs it had my favorite breakfast. which was 3 pancakes shapes has ninjas, with strawberry syrup. and whipped cream top with chocolate chips.

"How do you know my this is my favorite?" I ask with anger
He simple answer me by giving me a letter and he then untied just enough for me to be able to eat my food and then he got up and left room

I was debating if I should open the letter but my curiosity won

My dear angel,

I finally have you. I hope you like your breakfast, I try making the pancakes, just like your mom did, when you where 15. I made them with lots of love.


I didn't eat the food I was to busy thinking.

M. do I know anyone with a m.

Hey guys.
So I wanted to thank you for reading this.
So I know the grammar problems may be killing the story. So my friend is editing it. that good news right?

What do you guys think?

Until next time my friends


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