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We got back to the house and went in.

Simon: hey Christmas is tomorrow so can I know what the big gifts.

Me: no it's a surprise for tomorrow.

Simon:oh my god ok.

They ate dinner and went to the bedroom. When we got in the room we played video games.



Me:yea and?



They both laughed loudly. In couple of hours we went to bed so we can wake up early for Christmas Day.

At 7:30am

Me: wake up sleepyhead gotta get up.

Simon: ugh I'm tired

Me: guess you don't want to know what's in the big present.

Simon: ok fine I'm up

Me: good

I gave him a morning kiss

Simon: I want another one

Me: ummm ok

I kissed him one more time

Me:just because it's Christmas ok lover boy.

Simon: ok my mom I think is done with breakfast so let's go out and check.

Me: ok

The breakfast was done so they ate and now it's time for presents.

Simon: yay now I can know what is in the big gifts.

Me: those are for last

Simon:oh come on

Me:ok Open the other gifts

Simon got music stuff,clothes,and two plane tickets to Paris

Simon:omg plane tickets. mom you didn't have to

Linda: yea I know but I wanted to and the other ticket is for Wilhelm.

Me: wait really


Me: when do we fly?

Linda: in three weeks

Me:thank you so much

Linda: it's no problem.

Simon:yea thank you I love it.

Linda opened her gifts and got clothes,cooking stuff,and a new laptop.

Linda:AW thank you guys

Them all: your welcome

Sara opened hers and got clothes,horse stuff,and a new I phone


Me: ok now the big gifts I got for Sara and Simon

Simon: finally

They opened them and saw the tvs

Simon: omg thank you

Simon gets up to gives him a hug

Sara:thank you

Me:it is no problem guys.

They took there tvs to there rooms so they could set it up.
I got a notification so I checked it

Me:hey do you guys want to go to a Christmas party tomorrow Felice invited all three of us?


Sara:yea I'll come what time?

Me: she said it starts at 9:00am and ends at 11:00pm

Sara:ok sounds good.

The next day

Simon:wake up we are going to the party

Me: ok let me get dressed


At the party

Linda:have a great time and call when you want to get picked up

Simon:ok mom love you bye

Linda:love you too bye

Inside the party

Me:so what do you want to do?

Simon:let's join the truth or dare circle


We went in and some one asked me truth or dare

Me:um dare

Person:kiss the most attractive person here.

Oh shit my mom will kill me but I got up and kissed Simon.

Person:so the video was you?

Me:yea true or dare?


Me:I dare you to tell us your deeps Darkest Secret.

Person:umm I cant

Me:come on

Person:fine I'm gay

Me:yea same haha

Person:truth or dare Simon?


Person: how much times have you had s*x?

Simon:I don't know Wilhelm how much times have we done it?

Me: I think like three times so far.

Simon:then three times

Person:aww that's so cute!

To be continued

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