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After I texted Wilhelm i texted Felice



Me:do you want to come over and stay the night with me?

Felice:sure what time??

Me:don't matter to me.

Felice: ok I'll be there in 45 minutes

Me: ok

I took a quick shower and texted Wilhelm again

Me: hey Wilhelm

Wilhelm: hi

Me: how do I tell her she's coming over soon.

Wilhelm: um I don't know let me think.

Me: ok could you ask Simon?

Wilhelm:he's sleeping.

Me: oh ok.

Wilhelm: I can wake him up if you want

Me:no no it's ok

Wilhelm:ok well you could like play 2 trues and a lie and a trues can be you are in to girls.

Me: ok that's a good idea thank you.

Wilhelm: it's no problem I love helping you out with stuff.

Me: love you good night.

Wilhelm:love you too good luck.



I love how I can say love you to William and it is not sound weird. I hope he will become a part of our family when he is older.
Felice got here.



She came in and gave me a hug which gave me butterflies.

Felice: So how was your day?

Me: good but lonely. You?

Felice:I'm good.

Me: do you want to play two truths and a lie?

I was feeling scared as fuck.

Felice: sure

Me: ok the three things about me is my favorite color is green, I'm lesbian, and I hate my old school.

Felice: um I now that you don't like green so that's your lie.

Oh she I guess didn't hear.

Me: yep


Me: yea..

Felice: I'm so happy you told me.

She gave me another hug.

Felice: hey can I tell you something that only wilhelm knows?

Me: yea sure what is it.

Felice: I'm b-bi.

Me:oh really thank you for telling me.

Felice: your welcome but do you have a eye on a pretty girl at the moment?

Me: yea


Me:umm y-you.(I Stuttered)

Felice just got up and kissed me.

Felice: I like you too.

I smiled and blushed.

Me:will you be my girlfriend?

Felice: yes god yes!

Me: is it ok if I tell Simon and wilhelm?

Felice: yea but please just them I'm not ready to come out.

Me: same. well it's late can we go to bed?

Felice: yea come on.

We got in my room and we cuddled each other to sleep.
It's the next morning now.
I texted Wilhelm

Me: hey I have some news can I FaceTime

Wilhelm: yea sure

I FaceTime timed him.

Wilhelm:hey what's up.

Me:well I want to tell you and Simon something.

Wilhelm: ok let me get him up.

I could hear Wilhelm "hey Simon your sister is on call and wants to tell us something."
Simon said "ok" he sat up and fact the camera.

Simon: hey sis what's up.(in a sleepy voice)

Me: hey well I told Felice...

Simon and Wilhelm:what happened

At this moment Felice walked in and saw I was on call with the two.

Felice: hey guys. (Going up to me)

Wilhelm:hi now that everyone is here can you PLEASE tell me the news?

Me: mmmm I should make you wait.

Simon:omg just tell us I did not wake up for no reason.

Felice: ohhh you didn't tell them last night?



Me: (I laughed) yea we are.

Felice kissed me in camera

Simon:ok I don't need to see my sister making out but I'm happy for you guys.

Wilhelm:me to.

Felice and I: thank you

Simon:no problem

Felice:how is Paris so far?

Simon: it's really pretty and fun.

Wilhelm:yea there food is so good as well.

Me:well that's good

Wilhelm:well we have to get ready to go so bye.

Simon: wait what

Wilhelm: I told you I have plans

Me: ok bye love you

Wilhelm and Simon: love you too bye

They hung up the phone

Felice: hey do you want to go get breakfast?

Me: yea sure

We arrived at a restaurant

Felice:our first date (she smiled)

Me:yea it is (I smiled as well)

We ate and when home.
We did basically did nothing the rest of the day.

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