Extra! Tenjoin Fubuki Comes Out On Top!... Somehow

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You barely paid attention to the tournament below you as you tried to make sense of your rapid-fire scribbling from just moments before. Yuki's answers had been a gold mine, each one more interesting than the last.

What do you do to psych yourself up before a tournament?

I check myself out in the mirror, make sure my hair is all good, and then give myself a little pep talk!

What monster would you say is your go-to in a tough spot?

I know a lot of people would expect me to say Neos, but he's hard to summon at a calm time in a duel. My best fallback monster is definitely Flame Wingman. He's always a good one to have on hand.

Which of your monsters is your favorite?

All of them! My cards are like my family.

Which card would you say describes you the best?

Winged Kuriboh. He's always ready to stand up against a dangerous enemy to protect his friends even at the risk of his own safety.

Now, what everyone is wanting to know: Where did you go after your supposed duel with Yugi Muto, the king of games himself?

I traveled the world. I wanted to help out other duelists like me, duelists who might have felt lost in their path once but just needed a little nudge to get back on it.

What happened in your last year that the whole school vanished?

... There was a duel. One of the visitors that year had... Not very good intentions with dueling, and it was his fault we got... transported.

How did you get back?


Take your time.

The bravery of one of the exchange students. Johan.

And his Rainbow Dragon? What was it like to see that in action?

Insane. I've never experienced anything like it.

What happened to Johan?

... The tournament looks like it will be fun.

Yes. You're versing one of your old classmates in the first round?

Phoenix. He's good, he's beaten me before but I'm ready.

Kaiser Ryo just won his match, do you think you'll face him again?

I hope so! He's the best of the best, and that's coming from me.

Yuki had drawn back when you'd asked about Johan. You decided you wouldn't publish that part of the interview. After getting his consent to publish the other answers, he left to get ready. Once you had made sure all of your messy writing made sense, you turned your attention back to the tournament, where Marafuji Sho and Tenjoin Fubuki were shaking hands. They were about to start...

Oh, no!

They had just finished! You'd been so focused on your interview with Yuki that you'd missed the duel you'd been assigned! Quickly, you took note of the winner: Tenjoin. His name was flashing up on the screens and what sounded like a thousand banshees were screaming. No, that was his cheer section.

A few minutes later, a knock came at your door. "Come in," you called.

"Hey!" Tenjoin bounced in, taking a seat next to you. "Phoenix said to come up here once I was done."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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