Tanjiro Knowing The Truth

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It has been six months now since Bella has been pregnant, Bella belly has grown so big, that she can't try to hide it, but she doesn't want to hide it. Anyway, Tanjiro has been waking up every night because of Bella nightmares. Tanjiro has been getting worried about her, since Bella is his wife. Tanjiro has been wanting to ask her about her nightmares, but he doesn't want to sound like he is accusing her of something that she didn't do wrong. Tanjiro was walking with Nezuko as him and her talked about random topics.

"So Nezuko, are you still excited to be a aunt." Tanjiro asked, as Nezuko looked back at Tanjiro with a smile.

"I sure am!" Nezuko cheerfully said, as she gave him a smile.

"I'm glad you are, but anyway, I want to ask you something......." Tanjiro said, as he got a little bit serious.

"Sure, what is it?" Nezuko asked, as she looked at Tanjiro with curiosity.

"Do you know anything about Bella's nightmares?" Tanjiro asked her, as she looked at him wide eyed.

~Nezuko Flash back~

"So how are you doing Bella?" Nezuko asked, as she took a sip of her green tea.

"Things have been a bit scary." Bella said, as she looked down at her cup.

"What do you mean?" Nezuko asked, as she got a bad vibe from this conversation.

"*sigh* I have been thinking about this nightmare I had awhile ago." Bella said, as Nezuko nodded her head towards Bella.

"What was the nightmare about?" Nezuko asked.

"It was about Muzan talking to me." Bella said, as Nezuko looked at her wide eyed. "He was talking to me about how I'm gonna become his next wife and become the mother of our child, once he kills me and Tanjiro baby." Bella said, as Bella started tearing up from that dream. " I don't know if it was just a dream or it was real, it just felt so real to me, you know." Bella finished off, as her tears finally started falling off her eyes and into her soft, warm, cheeks.

Nezuko walk towards Bella and hugged her, like she would do when her brother needed a hug from her. "It's okay, I think nothings going to happened to you or the baby and besides, you have me and everyone beside you, especially Tanjiro. I promise I won't tell Tanjiro if that's what you wish for." Nezuko said, as Bella hugged her back.

"Thank you Nezuko, I really appreciate it." Bella cried out as Nezuko smiled, knowing that Bella trusts her enough to tell her things like this one, but she couldn't help, but be worried about, what Bella saw in her dream.

"Please don't tell Tanjiro about this I don't want him to worry." Bella told me, as I nodded in understanding.

~ Nezuko Flash back ended~

"Um, I really don't know about her having nightmares." Nezuko said, as she started sweating which wasn't unnoticed by Tanjiro.

"Nezuko please, you got to tell me what's going on with Bella's nightmares I'm begging you Nezuko!" Tanjiro said, as he grabbed Nezuko shoulders, tightly ,but not too tightly where she was wincing from it.

Nezuko couldn't keep going on with this, 'keeping the real truth ordeal from Tanjiro'. Nezuko didn't want to keep lying to him, so she told him the truth.

"I understand, thank you Nezuko. I really appreciate it." Tanjiro thanked Nezuko, as she nodded towards him, with a worried look plastered on her face. "Well, I better go, since, the meeting is about to start soon." Tanjiro said, as he walked pass Nezuko without hesitation. "See you later, Nezuko." Tanjiro finished off saying.

Tanjiro Kamado Got Me Pregnant?! Tanjiro x OCWhere stories live. Discover now