Jealous nsfw

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"That's the last of it" I said as I slash the last kaiju that's been appearing in yokohama. "We should get some rest, let's go back now" the team captain said.

5 of us head back to the Defense Force building and I immediately went to the shower, located beside the training room.
After showering, I wear my new uniform and head to my locker.
"Y/n! What are you doing?" a deep voice startled me.
I jump a little and say "Reno! Don't scare me like that!"
"Ahh sorry! sorry! I was just wondering if you were gonna go to Hoshina-san party tonight" he said, apologetically. I sigh and close my locker door.
"I don't think I should go, I mean- I don't exactly know him hehe" I explained, scared to make things awkward. Reno laughs a little and shakes his head.
"Are you being awkward right now? THE SECOND DIVISION VICE CAPTAIN IS AWKWARD NOW??"
He continues to laugh and I smack his head(not too strong lol).
"I just don't know him that well okay? Besides, he didn't give me an invitation hahah..." I said. Reno hums and nod his head. "If you say so, don't wanna force you or anything tho"
I say goodbye to him and head my way out to the building's exit. While suddenly, I can feel a figure approach me from behind.
I turn around quickly and was ready to kick them but....


"Y/n!!! What are you doing??"
I bow a little and say "Sorry, Captain Narumi, I thought it was a kaiju hehe" I laugh a little and he laughs too. "I was wondering if you would be free tonight? I need a date for Hoshina's party" he asks, gently. I ponder a bit and nod my head.
"Yes, I would be glad to be your companion, Narumi-san" I smile and he smiles too. It's a little weird why he's not spending this precious time to play games, but I guess this is a priority.
"Nice! I'll pick you up at your house!"


I was wearing a purple lilac dress, made out of silk and it doesn't show my body shape that much.
My hair is not tied back, rather, I let it loosen so that it doesn't look too formal. (I tie my hair back while working)
Pretty simple.
And I'm wearing black heels, with little hints of glitter.

Beep! Beep!
"Y/N! You look...wonderful!!" Narumi says and I open the door to his car. "Thank you, Narumi-san"
I can feel his eyes staring at me while we are going to Hoshina's house.
"You really look to beautiful tonight..ethereal almost.." He muttered quietly. I can still hear him and I smile, "Thank you again, those are kind words"


We arrived at Hoshina's house which gives off rich traditional japan house. The ones that lives in a peaceful rural area but is big.
"We're here." Narumi says behind me. Suddenly, he reaches for my right hand and holds it. I look at him, surprised. "You don't mind this, do you?"
I smile at him and shake my head. He smiles and both of us walk inside.
We are greeted by Hoshina who looked...glum...
"Narumi...and Y/n, welcome." He greeted calmly.
Narumi was grinning the whole time and I bet there's something going on with them.
Hoshina looks at me and smiles. "Y/n, you beautiful." His eyes scans me from head to toe and I shiver.

Damn...this man...

"She's my date for tonight, don't be jealous~~Hahah-Ack!" Narumi shouts as Hoshina kicks him on the stomach. I gasp and asks "Are you okay?"
Narumi smiles at me and let go of my hand. "Y/n, I'm going to his room~~"
I frown. "Why?"
Narumi takes my right hand and kisses it. "Sorry love, but he *points at Hoshina* has the latest games and I'm DYING to play it!"
Suddenly, Hoshina separates our hands and says "Narumi, go. I'll take care of y/n"
Narumi shouts with joy and say goodbye to us.
I stand there bewildered and awkward.
Although there were many people around just feels...weird.
He gives me weird feelings.
"Do you dance?" Hoshina asks, looking straight to my eyes. "Yeah...a little" I replied.
He takes my right hand and closes in to me...his body ofc. His head comes close to my ear and whispers, "Let's dance then."
I nod my head and he puts his arm around my waist.
At the same time, I can feel his breath hitched a bit but whatever.
The music was a ballad and both of us look in each other's eyes. His eyes are pretty.
"Red suits you..." I said, to make some conversation. His brows furrow and I say, "Your eyes...I meant that.." . He laughs a bit and I can feel his fingers caressing my waist up and down slowly.
I gulp, I cant with this tension.
"Thank you love. What more do you like about me?"

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