[My Baby's Father] [Jaylex & Brim]

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Note: Jay is transgender (Headcanon time woooh!) but didn't go through all surgery yet due to financial reasons. But one day he ends up pregnant...


PoV Jay

"Alex? Can we talk?" I asked. "Not now..." he groaned. "Alex please, it's important!" I begged, "You never have time!" "Alright but make it quick..." he sighed. "A-alex... I-I'm pregnant..." I stuttered, "W-will you help me? I want to keep yo- The baby!" "Why should I? It's not mine, so I don't think I'm responsible for that..." Alex said, an annoyed tone in his voice. Then he left me in the room. My heart felt like it was just broken into pieces. I broke down and started to cry. I stayed there for hours.

~ a few days later ~

I cried in the bathroom in the middle of the night. Pregnancy symptoms started to show and I was being sick. I heard doors open and close and then some voices. Brian and Tim. That moment my sickness came back and kicked totally in. I could hear the others coming over. "Fuck, I didn't plan on telling them about it!" I thought. The door opened. "Fuck Jay! What's wrong?!" Brian asked, concern showing in his voice. My emotions won over my head. "Guys, I'm trans and I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do and-" I rambled. "Woah, slow down! First of all, did you just come out to us? Second of all, how did you get pregnant?" Brian asked, now a little confused. Now I had to give them the information they wanted. "I didn't go through all the surgery yet and I forgot to take my pills, which stop my period, once and slept with Al- A guy! That's how I got pregnant..." I explained. Tears were still running down my face. "Oh Jay... We'll help you... But what did Alex say? He's your best friend, he probably knew..." Tim asked. More tears streamed down my face immediately again., "H-he doesn't care... He- He's mad I think..." "Shh, hey, hey, calm down, it's fine... We're there for you, Jay..." Brian said and softly smiled at me. They pulled me up and hugged me. "You'll be fine, it's gonna be alright..." Tim said and I could see a faint smile tugging on the corners of his lips. They helped me to get to the living room. There they sat me down on the sofa. "You want something to eat?" Tim asked. "Yeah!" I squealed but quickly caught myself, "Can I have a sandwich? Or no, toast! With chocolate cream! And maybe pickles? Ooh, and fruit! Sorry, I'm pregnant, I'm aware this sounds very weird..." Brian chuckled, "I'll get you the stuff and don't worry about it sounding weird!" So he went to the kitchen. "You need and anything else?" Tim wanted to know. "Brian? Can you get me water too?" I shouted and then said to Tim, "I want cuddles!" I jumped onto him and curled up in his arms. Tim sighed, "It's okay... I'll help you and Brian will too..." I looked at him and could see him softly smile. Tim didn't smile often, so this made me happy. I smiled tiredly. Then Brian came back. "There you go!" he said and handed me a plate with the food. "Thanks!" I squealed.  They both chuckled and Brian cuddled with me and Tim too, which was pretty comforting, to be honest. "Jay? How many weeks are you in?" Brian asked me. "Five weeks..." I answered, "Found out about a week ago..." "So very early, huh? Have you been to the doctor's yet?" he asked. "Nah, I didn't get myself to do it yet... It feels awkward... And it gives me extreme gender dysphoria..." I explained. "Aww, Jay... You're a boy like us no matter what! Remember that, okay?" Brian said, holding me closer. "I know that and that's because I feel like a boy and am a boy!" I smiled. I was lucky to have them. After I ate my weird ass snack, I was very tired. The boys comforted me and cuddled me and moved their fingers through my hair and were just very soft with me. I soon fell asleep in their arms and they carried me to my bed.

~ a few weeks later ~

My baby bump was slowly starting to show. I hid in a hoodie which wasn't to obvious because it was cold anyways. But today we had a shoot. Brian and me went to get lunch for all of us. I bought a little more for myself since I was very hungry. Nobody minded when we came back and when I started to eat a little more than usual. I had to eat for two people so I was fine with it myself, though I was kind of insecure about my body and what I ate. But one person didn't seem to be fine with it: Amy. We kind of never got along that well but Alex made us stay together. "Jay, why are you eating so much? You are getting fat..." she stated. This gave my heart a slight break. She never said anything mean in front of the others. Brian choked on his sandwich and coughed, "Excuse me?!" I started to shrink in my seat. Tim put an arm around Brian to help him a little. Alex gave Amy a confused look. "Like look at him, he's eating so much and he gets so fat and it's just disgusting!" Amy said and gave me an evil grin. Tears started to form in my eyes but I wasn't ready for Alex' comment on that. "I mean, yeah, I noticed him gaining some weight... Jay, why don't you try loosing some of it again?" he asked. I broke into tears, trying to hold back sobs. Brian immediately pulled me into a hug. "Stop being so mean, Amy! You know he's sensitive!" he defended me, "And you should know better, Alex! He's your best friend, how can you say something like that?!" I cried into his chest, Tim starting to softly pat my back. "Well, but Amy's my girlfriend... Now if it was between your hypothetical girlfriend and Tim what would you do?" Alex stated. "I wouldn't choose her over him! He wouldn't make me choose! And I god damn it would tell her that the way I now tell you!" Brian said, visibly mad at Alex, and then muttered, "Asshole..." "You know what, let's just break this apart for now! We all need rest!" Sarah stepped in. "Yeah, that's better for all of us! Alex, you could go to Amy's so this... Tensions... Between you and the others calm down?" Seth suggested. "That sounds great! Come on, Jay, we're leaving!" Tim said and managed to get a very pissed Brian and my crying self home.

~ a few months later ~

I was now about eight and a half months pregnant. My baby bump more than visible. Brian wouldn't let me do anything anymore, he was constantly worried about me and Tim always had to get him to chill. We had a few incidents with Amy and Alex. We also were on break now, sometimes Alex would get us to film though. But today was one of those days where I could just stay at home all day. The baby was really active today. I didn't know the gender and I didn't want to know yet. I wanted to find out after I gave birth. Suddenly I felt pain rushing through my body. I grabbed onto the kitchen counter. This was new. But it couldn't be contractions. Just going by the time of pregnancy I was in. But sometimes babies came earlier then people thought? The pain slowly faded. Good. I walked into the living room and laid down on the sofa. Just so a few minutes later the pain would come back. Strange. This happened a few more times. But the pain got worse each time. I decided I should call for Brian or Tim. "Br-brian? Ti- Oh good lord! Tim?" I got out in between moments of pain. Brian immediately rushed to me. "Jay? What's wrong, are you alright?" he asked. "I- Fuck! I think I'm having- Oh shit! I'm having contractions..." I explained. "Jay, is everything alright?" Tim asked as he walked in. "Tim, we have to get him to the hospital, he's having contractions!" Brian ordered. That's when I felt something wet on my leg. "Guys? I- Oh god damn it! I think my water just broke!" I said. Then everything went super fast and a few minutes later I was in the hospital, crying in pain. "Jay... Somebody can come into delivery room with you... Do you want that?" Brian asked. "C-can you come with me? I- Tim shouldn't have to deal with it..." I stuttered out.

~ a few hours later (I don't know how to write someone giving birth, sorry) ~

"Jay? It's a boy..." Brian smiled softly. I did it. I just gave birth to a child. Now I had to tell someone. And then I had to rest. "Brian? First, his name is Jasper... And second... Can you call Alex? It's a long story but that little boy is his..." I whispered tiredly. He looked at me in shock but then nodded, "I will... I promise I will... But now rest, Jay..." I nodded and smiled before I fell asleep.

PoV Brian

I was allowed to hold little Jasper but figured that he needed rest and gave him to the nurses. Then I went to meet up with Tim. "And is he alright?! How's the baby?!" he asked, panicking. "Calm down, everything's fine! They're both just very tired! Also it's a little boy and his name's Jasper... And I have to call Alex..." I said and chuckled at Tim's behaviour. "Huh? Why Alex?" he asked, "It's not like he's the- Wait, Alex is the father, right?" I nodded and then went to call Alex. He almost immediately answered. "Yeah? What do you want Brian?" he said. "Alex, I need you to come to the hospital, it's about Jay and he has to tell you something important." I said, "I'm not taking no. And no Amy, okay?" I said. "Okay?" he said, a confused tone in his voice.

~ a few hours later ~

PoV Jay

I was up by now, holding my healthy little baby boy, when the door opened. "Jay? It's us... We have Alex with us too..." Brian softly said. "Come in!" I said a soft smile on my face. "Hello Jay..." Alex said, "How are you? I just wanted to say I'm sorry..." "It's okay... You were stressed..." I smiled, "And I'm actually pretty good... Alex, I need to tell you something... Jasper here... He's your son... Remember that one night we were drinking to much? Yeah well... This is how it ended..." I blushed a little. Alex locked at me, shock painting his expression. "Wait, so... I'm the father? I- Oh god..." he stuttered. I chuckled lightly, "Do you wanna hold him?" Alex nodded.

The end of this all was Alex and Amy getting in a huge fight and breaking up. Alex confessed he's always been in love with me. And now we're taking care of Jasper together. Also Tim and Brian told us they are together and they help me and Alex a lot with the baby. Amy has moved in with a friend of her's, I believe her name's Jessica, but I think Jessica sees Amy as a little more then just a friend. She's fun too. Alex and I are a couple and I think we are great parents to our son. He looks a lot like my boyfriend. Also we finished Alex' project and we're all super proud of it. We just finished college and moved into Alex' parents' old house. Brian and Tim live just a few minutes of a car drive away. I hope life plays well with all of us. And I hope that my little family stays together like this forever.

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