"5 really needs to stop wasting it's time with silly halfbloods like you", 236 sneered. He paced around me taunting me with every move. "Now 5.5, I think you need to learn your lesson, you need to learn what happens when filthy animals try to play with the big kids", in one swift motion 236 shot his fragile looking bar notation at 4.5 who was still recovering from the crucify curse that 5 hit it with. "AVADRA KADAVRA!" 236 hollered. 4.5s whimpering fell silent. Her body which was perched up on her elbows fell down to the cobblestone ground. 236 chuckled then whisked away out of thin air.
Fanfiction4.5 and 5.5 were in love, however, they were tragically separated by the number 5 . . .