1~The Princesses Yara And Yona

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Don't come for me.



"Muttering or speaking under their breath"

* Explaining/elaborating

'Future/ Narration' 


Atop of a cliff stand eight figures over a ravine of soldiers. The two females of the group walk to the edge staring over the sea of thousands of soldiers. Behind them walks forward one of the group members holding his glaive against his shoulder he says "Princess Yara Princess Yona, let us depart." The girls take a moment, the hoods of their capes slightly covering their blazing red hair. The girl with short hair and fuchsia eyes decided to speak. "It is cold here." Not a question, a statement. The man speaks once more "It does border the mountains." The woman beside the shorter one lips quirk up ever so slightly. "You are correct Hak."

'Back then, we hardly knew how cold it was outside the castle, did we Yona?'


'This is the Kingdom of Kouka, and that was once me and my sister's castle. At the time, the king lived in Hiryuu Castle with no male heir, nor any queen to bear him one. Only his beloved seven-teen and fifteen-year-old daughters were raised there.'

In a grand courtyard were many people with tables of beautiful food and drinks. Then up a small set of five stairs were three chairs. Two of which were occupied by a chubby man with brown hair, wearing fancy red-gold white mixed clothes and a hat as well as this is King Il. The young woman wears a lovely white sleeved kimono with a gray-blue base and purple over layer that's held together by a black obi tied with black string. The string is decorated with a large daisy and the entire kimono has gold accents. Within her hands is a golden fan with a blue and purple swirl pattern. The woman has fiery red wavy hair and beautiful azure blue eyes. She is the first born princess, Princess Yara. Behind them are a few attendees but one of which is wearing cobalt blue and holds a large glaive. Adorning raven hair and sharp sapphire eyes he is named Son Hak. He is the wind tribe general and known as Kouka's Thunder Beast.

"This is the tenth year since the death of my father, the former king Junam. Our Kingdom of Kouka is a small nation surrounded by powerful nations to the north and south, involving us in many ways." states King Il.

Hak asks "Where's Princess Yona?

An attendant beside him answers hesitantly. "It seems she is still getting ready..."

Yara chuckles slightly, "It's because he will be here."

Hak scoffs "She's such a child."

Yara glances at him with a sly smile "Is that jealousy I hear Hak?"

Hak looks at her with the biggest deadpan she has ever seen and she proceeds to get a big question mark over her head.

Hak just shakes his head "No Princess I could never."

As if that conversation didn't happen King Il says "My daughter, Yona, will soon be sixteen years old. I pray that, under the divine protection of Hiryuu, the king of old, the peace of this nation will last for all eternity!"

Just as he uttered those words a man well dressed with slicked black brown hair who is clearly within his late twenties approaches them.

"My king, it's an honor to be her as well as be in the presence of Princess Yara herself." He gives her a once over as he says this and it's gone unseen by all except by the princess herself and a certain Thunder Beast.

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