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my dearest (y/n),

if i could turn back time and do something more, i would have. but the world simply isn't that kind, thus this abysmal agony we now share is the same. why did you drive your own blade through your heart? i'll never understand. i don't want to let you go. albeit it's my own selfish desire, i had wished for nothing more than for you to stab me through the chest in that very moment. you comforted me, held my hand, and were always beside me when i needed it. i wish i could've done the same exact thing for you if i had been given the chance. i won't let you fall to the depths of hell alone- if this world is a cruel place, i'll cast it aside so that i can hold your hand. i wanted to love you more. you always valued me before yourself, even up 'till your death; but thou shall not fret, i'll be damned if i can't join you soon. my love, i am sorry that i could not kiss your lips until the life had already begun to fade out of them.

now i bid farewell to a love as soft and sweet as the morning dew in the soft autumn light.

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