Missie & Joseph

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* 9 months later *
Lilly's pov;
I grew twice in size now. I was about to go into labor any second now.
I was having really bad contractions and my mood? Yeah I'm very very moody and bipolar.
"Ahh fucking shit Myles I want these things out of me" I hissed at him.
He finds it very amusing when I'm pissed off.
He chuckled and smiled at me, "it'll all be over soon"
I hit his arm, "fuck you Hernandez." I spat.
"love you too"
I laughed, walking away towards the bathroom.
I just need a fucking shower.
I stripped down and turned but before I could step into the shower I felt a liquid rush down my leg.
Goddamnit mother fucking great. Just great.
My contractions went through the roof
"labor" was all I could get out.
He laughed and walked into the bathroom.
"let's go you mess."
We drove as fast as we could.
This was it. Today was the day.
Myles pov;
Lilly was so cute. Swearing and shit.
I kept smiling just thinking about how our babies were going to be here soon.
"Myles I swear on our un-born babies life if you don't wipe that smile off your face I will rip your millimeter peter right off."
"ouch babe." I held my hand over my heart.
We arrived at the hospital.
Right now, we're pulling up.
Lilly's pov;
I felt a strange feeling, my contractions went crazy.
I gripped tightly onto Myles arm, "holy fucking shit Myles, we're having this baby!! Right now, IN THIS CAR!
Myles facial expression read shock.
He told me he had to go get a doctor, with that, he ran out.
Myles pov;
"I need a doctor" I shouted. "My wife is going into labor, in my car."
Finally, a doctor walked up to me, "I'll be taking care of your wife"
I sighed in relief, "oh thank god."
We walked towards Lilly who, most likely was cussing under her breath.
"Lilly, baby, this is the doctor that is going to be taking care of you"
"you mother fucking ass hole, get these things the fuck outta me"
Lilly's pov;
The doctor had ordered me to start pushing.
Sweat beads forming on my forehead, my breathing technics helping me along.
The doctor laid me back and propped my legs up on the dash board.
"Alright Miss. Hernandez, on the count of three I'm gonna have you push
I started pushing, I felt like I was pushing a watermelon out of a cheerio, "holy fucking shit"
"you're doing great Miss. Hernandez, keep pushing."
"fuck you" I spat. I pushed with such strength this time, tears surround my blue eyes
"alright Lilly, we can see the head"
The doctor placed his hands underneath the firsts babies head. "one more great, big push"
I pushed with all my might. I screamed and cried in pain. Then all of a sudden,
Everything went silent.
Then I heard a precious baby cry.
"congratulations Miss. Hernandez here is your baby girl."
My first baby was 5 pounds, 7 ounces. As far as I was concerned she was a beautiful, healthy baby.
"Now you have one more, take a nice, deep breath and push."
I pushed and pushed till my body felt weak. I couldn't help myself so I just cried and cried.
"I see the second babies head, now just one last push"
I sucked in a big breath and pushed till my face turned red, I let out a high pitch scream.
"And here's your baby boy Miss. Hernandez."
8 pounds, 15 ounces. My baby boy was chunky.
Finally we all got placed in a nice room, for me, Myles, and the babies.
The doctor gently handed Missie to Myles , "do you want to cut the cord sir?"
I saw little tiny tears form in his.
Myles softly took Missie into his arms and cut the cord.
By now, the boy was a true wreck he kept crying.
"Lilly, do you want to cut the other babies cord?"
I smiled like an idiot.
"yes sir."
I held Joseph carefully in my arms, I took in every detail on his little, he looks so much like Myles. I smiled in awe and kissed his nose. Finally, I gently cut the cord.
Our happy little family, I mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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