Chapter one

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Usually, kids are planning to go to sleep away camps, with their own will fully in tact, I, on the other hand, was forced to go, wether it was the parents, or the letter that just so happened to appear in the mail. I sighed as I packed the last t-shirt, and glanced over at the small music box on my dresser. I felt that I would need it in the future. I walked over, and grabbed it shoving it in. Now, most people don't follow random urges to bring something that seems useless with them, I personally follow those urges all the time. I threw a couple books in, and then sighed as I walked to the mirror. My emerald eyes were glowing back, and short scruffy brown hair was it's surly mess. I smiled. I really did fit my name, Roxanne. Sure, it seems like an uncommon name, but when your parents were drunk, had a kid, and decided on the name because of a club called 'Rockin' Roxanne' you get a name like that. Fortunately, the club shut down, and people call me Roxy more than Roxanne. My train of thought was interrupted when my mom shouted from downstairs "The bus is here !" I sighed, glanced at my room one more time, before rushing downstairs. The only advantage of this camp, was that my best friend was going there. She had received the same letter. I jumped in the bus, and wormed my way to the back, where she was seated, trying to hide her face. I grinned, and jumped next to her. She jumped and released a surprised yelp. I smiled "You excited Autumn ?" She rolled her eyes "Totally, I'm so ready to be surrounded by idiots." I feigned hurt. She smiled "You know your not an idiot." I grinned. Autumn, is what people consider small, only being 4'5 and 65 lbs. She has long, flowing brown hair, and gorgeous hazel eyes. More, and more kids got on, but they didn't fill the bus. That got me a little feeling of unease. Autumn seemed to notice "The camp is for gifted kids, There aren't a lot of them." The bus driver suddenly coughed "We're goin' to camp kids."

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