Best Friend?

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Eddie was a friend of a friend,who you soon met,you too got along great and were perfect together,the same humour,jokes and nom stop laughter when you two were around,soon the party began to ship you two together,he was your type after all,tall brown eyes,long curly hair and of course the rebel style and attitude ,you couldn't forget how he calls everyone sweetheart or darling.After being his friend for longest time you began to feel different around him,like something was tugging at your heart or something was in your stomach,butterflys,whenever he was near or when you thought of him.His teeth were perfectly pointy and white,his hair never changed,and he always rocked that bandana tucked in the back pocket of his jeans no matter what day or weather it was.You had fallen for the school freak.

"Stop staring you look creepy" Mike said rolling his eyes at you
"Love struck teens,ew." Dustin said,even though he was the one trying to get you two together,he secretly loved it
"What?" You replied snapping out of your cute little daydreams
"You were staring at Munson" Mike laughed quietly
"and?he's my best friend I have the right to look at him" You snapped annoyed.
"Yeah,yeah,best friend" Mike mocked in a girl voice
You elbowed him and got an ouch in return

"aw look your boyfriend is coming over" Dustin teased
"Shut.your.mouth." You said sternly between gritted teeth making Dustin go pale and look away,Dustin was always afraid when you said stuff between your teeth or sternly.
"Hiya Princess" Eddie said sitting on the chair next to you pushing some innocent kid to the ground who was in the seat.
"Hiya Dickface" you mocked him Smiling
"Wanna hangout tonight?Usual spot?" He asked moving some hair out his face
"Hmm,let's see,what's on my to do list,be busy,be busy,be busy again,lay down and be lazy,I guess I could replace that last one and squeeze the hangout in,sure" you smiled warmly before he snapped his fingers,clicked his tongue and walked off

"Oooooo" Dustin awed before you smacked him in the arm making him shut up instantly and rubbed his arm in pain
"Wear protection"Mike chuckled
"Mike!"you hissed
"Okay,okay,sorry bitchy." He rolled his eyes
"Have fun,is that what you want?"he asked and you nodded


School soon ended and you made your way through the woods to your hangout spot
And he was already there about to grab a cigarette  out when you went up behind him and grabbed it,tossing it aside and stomping on it till it was broken up.
"buzzkill" he sighed
You and Eddie spoke about random things for quite awhile, he took of his jacket complaining it was hot ,you couldn't help but stare at how tight his shirt was around his perfect body,you were caught of guard when he suddenly appeared next to me
"Nice time staring darling?" He asked ,he was so close to you you could feel his breath on your neck giving you goosebumps

You looked down
"Uh.sorry.."you mumbled ,he lifted up your chin and forced you to look at him
"You were staring at lunch too y/n" he chuckled at your flustered expression,his laugh was like music to your ears and his smile was like a drug it was so contagious ,it was perfect.
"i heard your conversation with Mike too" He stated "I heard from a little birdie you liked me"
"I Can expla-" before you could finish his soft lips encased yours,his velvety lips were soft and tasted like beer.His lips moved smoothly along yours as your kissed him back crawling forward making him fall back slightly as you deepened the kiss wanting more...

To be continued
There will be a part 2 I promise <3

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