Chapter 18 ~Why..?~

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Narrator's pov

Morning arrived. Kaito got out of bed. As sunlight filters through the blinds, the unkempt bed and pillows that have fallen onto the group. Kaito queried. He thought about the events of yesterday. He was perplexed, but he didn't mind. He truly didn't care as long as he could enjoy the desserts. thought he was confused. He doesn't understand why Yuki acted the way he did. He didn't understand why he had taken him to a cafe. He couldn't understand why he had treated him in that manner. But he didn't have much time to think about Yuki because time was running out. If he didn't want to be pulled out of bed by his helpful bulter, he had to get ready for school.

Mornings are the worst, like most of Kaito wasn't exactly an 'early bird'. Kaito detested the mornings, especially when everyone was staring at him coldly. It was worse than before. Since he had been acting differently than previously, this had subsided earlier, but it is much worse now. It appeared as though they were staring at an unwanted individual, a criminal. The hatred in their eyes was blatant to witness. It was baffling as to why this was happening. He had done nothing wrong, nothing out of the ordinary.

Confused and annoyed, Kaito walked past the students who were glaring at him. The hallway was noisy with whispers. If he said he didn't care, he would be lying. Everyone has some self-consciousness regarding other people's opinions of themselves. He walked along the hallway with his head down. Memories of his past life flashed across his eyes. His eyes were closed. He passed by everyone while thinking about what he could've done to cause this. It felt like everyone was making fun of him, even though he realized the reality probably wasn't as awful as he'd thought. It was just like his first day in this world. Their gazes, whispers, and giggles were all too familiar.

"He should be ashamed of himself!"

"How dare he come back?"

'Ah... this again.' It was irritating. He wanted to ignore them, but he couldn't. Unexpectedly, he bumped into a person. This person, in contrast to those who glared at him with hatred, looked at him with love and concern. When Kaito looked up, he recognized an unmistakable silhouette. One that he has already seen and has seen numerous times.


Kaito mumbled under his breath. He wasn't feeling the best, to say the least.

"Let's go somewhere else to talk."

This wasn't Haru's usual attitude, he realized, but today was strange in every way. He wouldn't be shocked if Haru began to behave oddly as well. They entered a vacant, unoccupied classroom. Even so, the room was illuminated by light that entered through the windows in the early morning hours despite the absence of any on-going lighting. The room's tables and chairs were exposed to the warm sunlight. Some people could claim that this scene is straight out of a romance novel. Like when the protagonist finds his true love or when they confess their love. Yet the situation now is a lot different.

"They said you stalked a girl and threatened to hurt her if she said anything about this to anyone."

"I didn't do such a thing."

Kaito was confused, confused as to why someone would spread such rumours about him. Who would have so much time on their hands to do such a thing? Of course, no-one would believe him since the old Kaito had done such things before.

"I know and I trust you, but..."

"But what?"

He had a bad feeling to what Haru would say next.

"How about you just... Apologize to that girl?"


Kaito scoffed, noting that he had done nothing wrong and yet had to apologize.

"I thought you said you trusted me?"

"I do, I really do, but apologizing will make the rumours die down quicker."

"You want me to apologize for what? For existing? Or being the victim? "

He felt his anger rising. He thought Haru trusted him. He was his friend, he thought he-

"Kaito, I know it's wrong to have you do this."

When Kaito raised his voice, the angelical voice that had sung multiple songs with him and with Haru before, was heard across the room.

"You know it's wrong, you know I did nothing wrong, yet you want me to apologize!"

Kaito was angry. He felt wronged. He did nothing wrong, yet he's being doubted by his best friend, by the one he loves.

"You think I actually did those horrible things, don't you?"

"No, no, of course not! I trust you with all my heart. "

"Yet you still want me to apologize?"


Haru was left speechless. He actually truly trusted Kaito, he just wanted this to resolve quickly. He just wanted all this to be resolved quickly. He hated how people talked badly about his friend. He hated how people glared at him. He hated how this even happened to his beloved.

"Fine, think of what you want."

Kaito said as tears swelled in his eyes. He used his arm to wipe away the tears that were threatening to fall down.


Silent, nothing. Kaito felt his heart sting. He quietly walked towards the doors, purposely slowing down, wanting Haru to stop him, to tell him it was just a joke. Yet he didn't... Kaito opened the classroom door and walked out.

Haru was left with his head down staring at the floor, still trying to process what just happened.

"I... messed up."

Haru whispered to himself, regretting what he'd done.

In another room not that far from the classroom Haru and Kaito were in, two people stood.

"That was too easy."


The girl said, as a grin spread across her face.

"Good job; this time we'll bring him down."

The other girl spoke, and a chuckle could be heard.

Helloo! It's been a long time since I've posted i know. ( ̄ヘ ̄;)I just thought that i should post a little smthing before my exams start, They're starting 3 days later so im about to suffer for two whole weeks after this.(〒﹏〒) If i stop posting for a few months think of me as dead from being buried by books. ( ;∀;)I hate exams so much. Sorry for not posting recently ive been quite busy studying for my finals and since my teachers decided to give us a lot of tests and quizzes as "revision" i had a lot of things to study with a very limited time. (' . .̫ . ')Currently i feel half dead half alive and i really just want to get the exams over with. (';ω;`)Now, enough with me complaining. I hope you enjoyed this short chapter i wiped out. (・∀・)It isnt the best but i tried. Thank you so much for being patient! <( ̄︶ ̄)> im really sorry for the short chapter. As always i hope you all have an amazing day/night!(*˘︶˘*).。*♡

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