More Q and A

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I've been tagged once more to answer some questions so here we go!

What is your favorite type of music?

Hmmm well I like all kinds of music(except rap) but if I had to pick a favorite I'd say music from video games is my favorite. I really like it, some games have really good soundtracks like the Final Fantasy series, Kingdom Hearts series, The Last of us, Silent Hill, etc.

I love listening to that kind of music when I write my stories it helps me set scenes. Also music from different anime help also.

If you could keep 5 possessions what would they be?

My computer, my PS3, Final Fantasy IX, my books, and my ipod. I'd be happy with just these things to be honest.

What would you want your tombstone to say?

Here lies a beloved mother with a fantastic imagination. Yes one day I do plan on having kids/adopting just not anytime soon.

If you were president what would be the first thing you do?

Wow president ummm first I'd wonder how people could vote for me cause I suck at politics but any who I'll answer seriously. If I was president I would work on foreign affairs and problems in our country as I believe they should come first.

What are your three favorite books and why?

Three favorite books!? Are you kidding me I have a million favorite books*mind explodes trying to think of my 3 favorite*

Haha but if I had to place three favorites I would say this:

Harry Potter-I'm not gonna say what book cause I love them all but the reason why I love this book is because I grew up with this series. Harry Potter was the first series I ever read. By third grade I was already on the fifth book so needless to say I love the book.

Infernal Devices-This book is just amazing!(Technically it's a series of three books but still) words cannot describe how fantastic this book is. I love the story, the characters(Specially Will cause he's Will and you can't help but love him and his fear of ducks), the love story, and the era it's set in which is Victorian London(That's my fav era) but by the angel the book is just so many things.

Pride and Prejudice-I recently read this book in my AP English class and I fell in love with it! I loved the love story between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy it was perfect and not to mention this book showed how we all can have flaws. Sure there were annoying characters throughout the story like Lydia, Mr. Collins, and Lady Catherine but over all the story was really good. I would gladly sit down and reread this book and Jane Austen's other books as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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