Dating and Mrs Daichi?

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The next day Deidara basically ran to Itachi's front door knocking on it like crazy. The door opened and Deidara smiled nervously seeing Queen Mikoto. "Deidara-kun, this is a surprise" she said, as he smiled nervously again closing his eyes. "Well I need to talk with Itachi" he said, as Mikoto sighed. "He should be up now, he didn't get home till late because of the meeting" she said, as he smiled. "Thanks Mrs. Uchiha" he said, as she smiled. She walked two steps and then smiled looking back at him. "Oh and I would like to meet that girl your dating, your mother says she looks like a beautiful flower" said Mikoto, as Deidara paused and sweat dropped. "Right" he said, as she walked away. Deidara sighed and ran towards Itachi's room. "OI UCHIHA" shouted Deidara opening the door and stopped glooming. "A towel really?" asked Deidara "What do you expect I just had a shower" said Itachi drying his hair. "Well I wanted you to be the first Akatsuki to know about my good news" he said, as Itachi narrowed his eyes. "I don't need to know about your oral sex” said Itachi, as Deidara growled. "Shut up you know I'm not gay" shouted Deidara, as Itachi closed his eyes and walked towards his closet. "Yeah, sure, whatever" said Itachi putting on a t-shirt. "Come on Uchiha just hear me out" said Deidara, as he blushed seeing Itachi removing his towel. He then turned around and growled. "OI WARN ME NEXT TIME YOU DO THAT" shouted Deidara "Not my fault your looking" said Itachi. "Come on I have good news" said Deidara "What you came out of the closet" said Sasuke coming in the room. "SHUT UP, I'M DATING A FUCKING HOT WOMAN HERE" he shouted, as they both stopped and looked at him. "Oh what's wrong with her?" asked Sasuke looking from the hallway, as Deidara growled grabbing him by the collar. "Deidara put him down" said Itachi putting on a jacket once fully clothed. "Yeah her name is Alexis" said Deidara putting Sasuke down, as Itachi paused. "You mean that girl with the purple hair that you met at the bar?" asked Itachi, as he smirked. "The very one" he said, as Itachi rolled his eyes. "Didn't Sasori see her first?" asked Itachi putting on shoes. "Hey he snooze he loose" said Deidara "Great english" said Sasuke sarcastically, as Deidara growled. Itachi walked passed them, but Deidara and Sasuke followed. "So what do you think?" asked Deidara, as Itachi stopped and looked back at him. "I don't know I haven't met the woman" he said walking out the door. Deidara and Sasuke followed and Deidara growled glaring at Sasuke. "I know that" he said, as Itachi rolled his eyes. "Then why ask me?" asked Itachi "I want to know if you would be willing to meet her one day seeing as you are the first Akatsuki I asked" he said, as Itachi sighed. "Whatever" said Itachi, as Deidara smirked and Sasuke growled.

The three of them stopped at a small house. "What are we doing here?" asked Deidara, as Sasuke growled. "Itachi you said" Sasuke was about to say, but Itachi ignored him and he knocked on the door. They waited and paused once it opened seeing Kent. "Hey Itachi, Sasuke... Uh?" said Kent, as Itachi paused. "Oh sorry Kent this is Deidara" said Itachi, as Kent paused. "Eh, so your the guy that Alexis has a thing for" he said, as Deidara paused. "How do you know her?" asked Deidara growling a bit. "Her best friend is my sister" he said, as Deidara slowly nodded his head. "Is Jamie here?" asked Itachi "Oh, she's still sleeping, but you guys can come in if you want I have to get to work" said Kent "You sure we can just come in?" asked Sasuke, as Kent smirked. "Why not? We have nothing to steal, plus you guys are like almost family now, you come over just as much as Alexis does when wanting food" said Kent walking out the door making Deidara growl. The three of them walked in and Deidara closed the door. "Can you believe that guy talking about my girl like that" said Deidara, as Itachi sighed closing his eyes. "Technically your only dating" said Itachi, as Deidara growled more. "Kent who was at the door?" said a voice, as they stopped and turned their head seeing a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hello there" she said smiling happily. "You must be Kent and Jamie's friends" she said, as Sasuke stood there glaring at her and Deidara gulped nervously. "Yes, we indeed are ma-am. I am Itachi this is my younger brother Sasuke and our friend Deidara, Kent allowed us inside" said Itachi, as she smiled. "It’s alright he does that a lot, I am Mrs. Daichi, Jamie and Kent's mother" she said, as Itachi bowed his head. "An honour" he said, as she smiled. "If you want you can go see Jamie upstairs she should get up anyway" said Mrs. Daichi, as Itachi smiled. "Her room is the very last one at the end of the hall" she said, as Itachi nodded. "Stay here" said Itachi towards Deidara and Sasuke, as they hpmhed turning their heads and crossing their arms. Itachi walked down the hall and walked to the last door. He knocked softly but no answer. He slowly turned the knob and opened the door seeing me sleeping. I was wearing a silk red night gown. The top was a skinny strapless, but the bottom was covered by my cotton blankets. "Jamie?" questioned Itachi, as I moaned and turned around. Itachi walked over and glanced at me sleeping. "Jamie?" questioned Itachi again. I moaned and stretched my arms around Itachi's neck (Still sleeping mind you not aware he is in my room) "I love you" I moaned, as Itachi's eyes widened looking at me shocked. Itachi soon slowly lowered his eyes and leaned in trying to kiss me. "Hey Uchiha are you-WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" shouted Deidara at my door frame, as Itachi growled and my eyes widened. I looked around and grabbed my blankets. I was so shocked that I ended up screaming at the top of my lungs freaked out. They looked at me shocked and I growled grabbing my pillows throwing it at them. "GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT" I shouted, as they ran out of my room and I slammed the door. "Thanks a lot" said Itachi glaring at Deidara "How was I supposed to know you were going to do something perverted" said Deidara, as Itachi rolled his eyes. They walked downstairs and looked in the kitchen seeing Sasuke pigging out on doughnuts. "What are you doing?" asked Itachi "Oh don't mind him, not many men can resist my great grandmother’s doughnut recipe" said Mrs. Daichi, as Itachi slowly nodded his head. "Sorry for troubling your Mrs. Daichi but I think we should be going now" said Itachi "Are you sure? I'm just making pancakes" she said, as Deidara and Sasuke's eyes widened looking at Itachi. "I think it’s for the best" said Itachi, as they stopped when I walked passed them wearing a t-shirt and shorts. "Stay its fine" I said, as Deidara and Sasuke smirked sitting at the dining room table. "How was your sleep dear?" asked my mother, as I growled. "Don't even I know it was you that let them in my room" I said, as she giggled. "It was time to get up anyway" she said, as I growled. "I can think of a less embarrassing way" I said, as she sighed. I pulled out some strawberries and walked passed them again. "Not staying in the dining room?" asked my mother. "No, because if I do you start talking about when I'm in diapers and I have had enough embarrassment for today" I said walking into the living room. Itachi looked back and then paused as pancakes were placed in front of him. "Don't mind her, she usually gets grumpy when her lay out days are finished" she said, as Itachi slowly nodded his head. Itachi paused, as the pancakes were placed in his hands. "Go on, she usually likes company around her" said Mrs. Daichi, as Itachi nodded when he was pushed into the living room. I was channel surfing and then stopped when Itachi sat next to me. "Uh, sorry about… you know" he said, as I blushed. "It’s okay... I was surprised, but even more seeing the blonde idiot I wouldn't have screamed if it was just you" I said, as he paused. "Really?" he asked raising an eyebrow, as I blushed eating a strawberry. "Okay maybe not as loud as I did" I said, as he smirked and sat closer to me. "So... are you done work for a bit?" he asked, as I paused. "Yes and no" I said, as he stopped and looked at me. He then lowered his head. "Oh" he said, as I paused. "It’s not that I don't want to, but I promised my publisher I would go to a convention to sign autographs" I said, as he slowly nodded his head. "Did... you want to come with me?" I asked, as he stopped. "You sure?" he asked, as I smiled. "That is if you don't mind nerds crowding us" I said, as he smirked. "I think I can handle that" he said, as I smiled. "Great" I said, as we stopped when the doorbell rang. I walked over and saw a man in a suite with sunglasses. "Sango I am here to take you to the convention" he said, as Itachi walked next to me. "Sango?" he questioned "My pen name" I said, as Itachi slowly nodded his head.

We walked into the limo and it started driving. "So your rich?" asked Itachi, as I paused and looked at him. I then started laughing. "Are you kidding I'm a middle class person, I'm not rich this is only my third convention" I said, as Itachi slowly nodded his head. We walked in and Itachi's eyes widened in amazement.

To Be Continued...

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