Moving Fast

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"Oh my gosh look" shouted a voice, as Itachi's eyes widened, he flinched a bit thinking he was going to be surrounded, but his eyes widened, as he was brushed to the side. "Sango it’s really you" said a voice, as I smiled nervously. I ended up signing a bunch of manga’s and then I sighed in relief when someone cleared the crowd. I walked over to Itachi seeing him smiling at me. "Sorry about that" I said, as he smiled. "It’s fine" he said, as a man walked up to us. "Sango we have a table set up for you to sign autographs" he said. "Great, oh this is my friend Itachi he will be escorting me today" I said "Well at least it wasn't your friend Alexis last time we had to get security to break up a fight over which bad guy in Maburo was better" said the man, as I smiled nervously. "Maburo?" questioned Itachi "A manga about ninjas" I said, as he slowly nodded his head. We walked over and sat down. The day was almost done and then Itachi paused when one little girl walked up to him. "Um excuse me" she said, as he paused and looked down at her. "Is this you?" she asked pointing at a character in a manga. Itachi paused and blinked a few times. "Uh, well" he said, as I smiled. "That's right" I said, as she smiled and Itachi looked at me shocked. "Can you both sign it?" she asked, as I smiled. "Of course" I said, as she smiled. Itachi paused still looking at the character and then signed it. I then signed it and smiled handing it back to her. "Thank you miss Sango, bye-bye Fredrick" she said, as he slowly nodded his head. We left after lunch and Itachi glanced at me. "What your not happy I made you into a character?" I asked, as he paused. "Why did you?" he asked, as I shrugged. "I don't know I do it all the time" I said, as he closed his eyes. "If you don't like it I can do something if you don't like it" I said, as Itachi stayed quiet. "It’s fine" he said, as we walked back into the limo that was now taking us to my house. I soon feel asleep and then Itachi paused when my cell phone rang. "Jamie" he said, but I groaned and turned over. Itachi sighed and grabbed my phone from my pocket. "Hello?" said Itachi "Oh good she's still with you" said Kent, as Itachi paused. "What's up?" he asked "I had to borrow my sisters keys and my mom is out until tomorrow, do you think she could stay with you until then if it’s not too much trouble?" asked Kent, as Itachi stopped and looked at me. "Yeah sure" he said "Thanks" he said, as they both hanged up the phone. "Driver change in plans" said Itachi, as he looked back at Itachi. The limo stopped in front of his house, and Itachi looked at me. "Jamie" he said, as I groaned and stayed asleep. He sighed and carried me bridal style. He walked out of the limo and walked towards his house.

Itachi was at the door step and froze once the door started opening. He then sighed in relief seeing Sasuke and Deidara. "What the hell did you do to her?" asked Deidara "Nothing" said Itachi "Your lucky mom's not home" said Sasuke, as Itachi growled walking passed them. Itachi walked to his room and opened the door. He closed and locked it behind him. He then placed me on his bed. I then winced a bit and opened an eye. "Oh sure now your awake" said Itachi, as I paused sitting up. "What's going on?" I asked "Your staying the night" he said, as I paused. "Oh?" I questioned "That a problem?" he asked, as I shook my head. "No I just thought you were mad at me that’s all" I said, as Itachi glanced at me. I then paused and looked at his room it was huge. A desk in one corner, bookshelves a long side it a huge closet, a door leading to the bathroom. A TV, couch and chair on the left side. "Wow your room is really beautiful" I said, as Itachi stayed quiet. I glanced at him seeing him closing his eyes and standing up. "What's wrong? Are you that mad at me?" I asked, as he stopped and looked at me. "You barely know me yet you did that anyway" he said, as I paused. "Well, yeah I mean I do that with everyone I meet... unless you hate it, I can kill off the character if you want... but I had so many people liking him" I said, as Itachi closed his eyes and turned his head. "No don't" he said, as I lowered my head. "I thought you would be flattered" I said, as he stopped and glanced at me. I lowered my head and closed my eyes. "I'll figure something out, don't worry" I said standing up. I walked passed Itachi, and then my eyes widened as he pinned me against the wall. "Ita-" I was about to say, but I blushed when he kissed my lips. I soon closed my eyes and kissed him back. We then stopped as the door knocked. Itachi tisked his head and I blushed turning mine. "Yeah what?" said Itachi opening the door, as his eyes widened seeing his mother. "Mom" he said shocked. I looked at him and then looked at her. Sure enough his mother was very elegant and beautiful wearing a silk red dress. "I thought you were gone on a business trip with dad" he said, as she sighed. "It got cancelled at the last minute, and why is your door locked?" she asked, and then she stopped looking at me. "Oh" she said glancing at Itachi "She's just a friend" said Itachi turning his head. I stopped and my heart hurt hearing that... after all we were kissing and getting to know each other. "Whatever you say Itachi" she said walking over to me. "I'm sorry about my boys they think too much... I am Mikoto Uchiha, but you can call me Mikoto" she said, as I smiled "I'm Jamie Daichi, very nice to meet you Mikoto" I said, as he paused. "Eh, so your the manga artist" she said, as I nodded. "Come, come, you must meet you biggest fan" she said, as I smiled. "Oi mom" said |Itachi following while growling. Mikoto led me down some halls with Itachi growling the entire time. She knocked on a door and when it opened I paused seeing a man with spikey hair looking at us. "Uh Aunt Mikoto" he said, as she smiled. "Jamie this is Obito one of your biggest fans... Obito this is “Sango-san" he said kneeing on the ground and I giggled. "Nice to meet you" I said, as he started bowing at my feet. "Suck up" mumbled Itachi, as Mikoto growled. "Enough Itachi" she said, as he turned his head. Obito went running into his room and pulled out tons of my manga books. "Would you sign them please?" he asked, as I smiled. "Of course" I said, as my eyes widened when he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his room. "Oi" shouted Itachi busting in, and then Itachi's face went straight seeing tons of half-naked anime girl posters in Obito's room. "Gross" he said, as Obito sat me on a chair and put a pen in my hand. I started signing tons of books. "I can't believe I'm actually knowing Sango-san" he said, as I giggled. "Can we take a picture?" he asked, as I giggled again. "Sure" I said, as Obito put a camera in Itachi's hands and Itachi growled looking at him. "Come on take pictures" said Obito, as Itachi started taking pictures. When done we walked out of Obito's room and the three of us walked down the hall. "So it’s true that you have a younger brother right?" he asked, as I smiled. "Uh-huh" I said "And that your father abandoned you" said Obito, as Itachi stopped and glanced at me. "It’s okay, I'm fine with just the three of us" I said, as I paused when Obito hugged me. "Sango-san you are truly and inspiration" he said, as I smiled nervously. "Thanks" I said, as we paused when Mikoto walked in front of us. "Time for dinner" she said, as she grabbed my arm. "Come Jamie-kun I will help you get ready" she said, as my eyes widened. "Eh?" I said, as we walked into another room. Itachi then turned to Obito. "How did you know that?" asked Itachi, as Obito held out an article. "All here... it’s yours on one condition" he said, as Itachi stopped and narrowed his eyes. "What?" asked Itachi, as Obito smirked. "Just answer a question that’s on my mind" he said, as Itachi glared at him. "What question?" asked Itachi "Do you have a thing for her?" he asked, as Itachi stopped. "Even if I did why do you care?" asked Itachi "Because if you don't that means I have a shot with her" said Obito, as Itachi stopped and glanced down the hall. "So... do you have a thing for her?" asked Obito, as Itachi glared at him. "OBITO, ITACHI GET IN THE LIVING ROOM NOW" shouted Mikoto, as they both growled walking to the dining room. Itachi then stopped and his eyes widened seeing me in a black kimono with the Uchiha symbol on the back. My hair pinned up with chopsticks and some lip stick on. "Doesn't Jamie-kun look adorable?" asked Mikoto placing her hands together. "Totally" said Obito sitting next to me. My eyes then widened, as Itachi pulled the chair from under him causing him to fall back. "Not in my chair" said Itachi, as Obito growled. We ate dinner and I helped Mikoto pick up and clean the plates. "So Sango-san you must be a total house keeper" said Obito, as I stopped and glared at him. "If your suggesting I'm a maid than no, I do my share and my job on top of that" I said, as Itachi smirked at Obito and Obito glared at Itachi. "So Jamie" said Itachi's father, as I looked at him. "Are you in a relationship?" he asked, as everyone paused looking at me. I blushed and shook my head no. "No, I doubt I will" I said, as Mikoto paused. "Why Jamie-kun your so adorable" she said, as I smiled. "Thank you, but I've been out with guys and they all say that they can't handle me and my job along with my personality... so I don't expect to be in one" I said, as Mikoto hugged me. "Poor Jamie-kun, Itachi you don't let go of her you hear me" she said, as Itachi growled and walked away from the dinner table. I lowered my head and waited for everyone to leave. I soon walked to the front door and put my hand on the handle. "What are you doing?" said a voice, as I jumped and turned my head seeing Itachi crossing his arms. "Nothing, I mean... leaving... I didn't want to bother you" I said, as Itachi sighed closing his eyes. "I just think... that.... all of this is going really fast" he said, as I nodded. "I mean I had no intention of introducing you to my mother or my father yet" he said, as I stayed quiet. "But you were planning to" I said, as he stopped and sighed turning his head. "I don't know" he said, as I lowered my head. "I should go" I said, as my eyes widened when Itachi grabbed my wrist and I looked at him leaning closer towards me. I then blushed as Itachi kissed my lips and I closed my eyes kissing him back. I jumped a bit when Itachi wrapped his arms around my waist. I then moved my arms around his neck and we started making out there for a few moments.

To Be Continued...

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