Something's not right here

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I was almost a little pissed, all it took me to get here and now I'm back on a wild goose chase, but what other option do I have but to follow her.

Day 6: I think I'm being watched. I have no proof and in a place like this, who knows how long it could've been happening if it even was. Gods... It's almost like I can feel a pair of eyes glued to my back, watching my every move, but the one thing that bothers me is... I can't tell if their a splicer or not. Any normal splicer would've just tried jumping me already and wouldn't waste their time stalking behind me like a ghost; something's not right here.

I finished the entry and closed the journal, eager to get moving, but I heard something... Wait, no, not something, Someone.

"Hello! Come out I know you're there! Stop wasting my time!" I yelled out

I heard rustling in the shadows, and then a splicer fell out from their cover, sending their mask flying across the open room.

"Please! Please! Don't hurt me! I don't mean you any harm! I promise... I'm not one of them" the stranger wheezed out "I've never spliced"

I still stood, poised to attack.

"You, Step forward." I commanded

He obeyed stepping further into the flickering light.

He was small in stature, scratches and scars littering his pale face, ruffled brown hair covering his deep brown eyes.
I took a moment to look him up and down, taking him in, I would admit he was pretty good looking by Rapture standards, but his clothes were in rough shape, I assumed he stole them off some splicers.
He stood a few feet in front of me hands raised in the air, signaling his surrender, his behavior confused me, he was nothing like the others left in the city.

"Who are you and why are you following me?" I questioned

"M-my name is Virgil... Virgil Griffin," he paused, drawing a shaky breath "a-as for the reason I'm following you... I-I need your help"

"Help with what?" I pried

"Finding my sister" he choked out

I have enough sense to know when I'm being lied to, and I could tell he wasn't lying, but this was just one more thing preventing me from getting to Tenenbaum. But he's a survivor, better yet... A sane one.

"Fine, I know where to look but if you come with me you have to keep pace, no slowing me down, or I leave your ass behind, got it?" I said in a stern tone

"I promise" Virgil said, stepping closer

"Okay, that's too close" I said

"Sorry, I've just never heard of a protector being able to talk, I thought a step in the procedure was mutilating the vocal cords?"

"Well, I'm a... Special case, or so you could say" I remarked "anyway, we've gotta get moving."

I turned on my heel and started walking down the hall, pulling out a map, planning out our route.

"So, where we goin'?" Virgil asked, almost completely dropping his nervous demeanor from before

"Well, as far as Dr. Tenenbaum told me, I'm supposed to go underneath Olympus heights to her safehouse, so she can explain to me what exactly I am." I said, pointing out where we needed to go to Virgil on the map

"Wait, you don't even know what you are? I mean I wasn't quite sure what you were but now I'm even more confused" Virgil questioned

"You and me both Virgil" I said

And we were on our way.

Day 7: we've been traveling for six hours straight at this point and we've decided to stop and rest. And as it turns out, Virgil is actually useful, he's been running around looting and hacking while I set up our camp for the time being. But I'm still on edge, the trip has been... Smoothe so far, I know most people would be glad about that, but. It makes me wonder, what could be lurking? Just waiting for a chance to strike? Regardless, I have to play it safe, or as safe as we can get in a place like this.

I closed my journal just as Virgil ran back, a proud look on his face.

"Everything in our vicinity is hacked and safe, oh and I found some good stuff. EVE, health kits, food-" he rambled with a smile painting his face

I couldn't understand him, he lives in fear but trusts so easily, I want to know his story, how he came to live in Rapture, and how he could be so effortlessly... Ah, what's the word? Cute? I think? Gods... It's just... The way he acts, it's... Cute.

I snapped out of my trance when he finished talking,

"Oh, that's great Virgil, I think we'll stay a few hours here and then get moving again."

"Sounds great..." He moved to sit next to me on the floor laying his head back and sighing "y'know, I don't think you ever told me your name"

"Hm, I'll be honest, I don't know my name"

"Well... Hm, there's subject_ER-0 on your suit so... How bout I call you Ero?" He said looking at me with a tired smile

"Sounds good" I paused for a moment "you get some sleep, I'll take watch"

And with that he said a quiet 'thank you' and laid down falling asleep not long after; which left me alone with my thoughts. Yay...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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