The First Step, Part 2/The Emerald Forest

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Scene: Emerald Forest
"We see a bird flying around, then it suddenly got hit by Ruby who had her Crescent Rose out as she was falling down."
Ruby: Birdie, no!
"Ruby then lands on the ground safely, by using her Crescent Rose. Weiss landed safely by using her glyphs, Ren landed by using his StormFlower, as Yang uses her Ember Celica to land by using the fire dust that was inside of it. Pyrrha then landed on a tree branch by using her shield and Miló as she turns Miló into it's rifle mode as she saw Jaune falling. She then turn Miló back to it's spear mode as she threw it towards a falling Jaune. We then see Ruby as she was running in the forest looking for Yang."
Ruby: 'Gotta find Yang. Gotta find Yang. Gotta find Yang. Gotta find.' *out loud to no one* Yang! Yang! 'Oh, this is bad, really bad. What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first? There's Jaune he's nice, he's funny. I don't think he's very good in a fight. Oh! What about Blake? So mysterious, so cool, plus she likes books, well then again I'm not sure I'd be able to hold a conversation with her... Oh! What about Y/N? I've known him since we've been kids, so that's a plus, but he's probably with Kevin, Gwen or Eunice already. Oh, okay who else do I know in the school? There's Yang, Jaune, Blake, Y/N, Gwen and... *sees Weiss in front of her and gasps* Weiss!
Weiss: Ruby! It's good to see that you got here safe.
Ruby: It's good to see that you also got here safe. Do you already have a partner?
Weiss: No, not yet, so I guess this makes us partners, then.
Ruby: Yeah, I guess it does.
Weiss: Did you see the direction of the temple, when you were still in the air? Because, I couldn't get a proper view of it.
Ruby: No, I didn't get to see. For now, let's go forward to see if we can find it.
Weiss: Sure, I think that's the best plan for now.
"They then walked towards the direction that they were facing and soon they found Jaune on a tree impaled by his hood and the thing that was impaling him was Pyrrha's spear. Jaune sees them and waves at them."
Jaune: Hey, guys, how's it hanging?
Weiss: Please stop, don't become another Yang. No offense to you or your sister, Ruby.
Ruby: None taken, since I also agree with you. Yang's puns are terrible.
Jaune: Can I get a little help up here?
"Pyrrha then arrives at the scene."
Pyrrha: *to Ruby and Yang* Hey, guys.
Ruby: Hey!
Weiss: Hi, Pyrrha.
"Pyrrha looks up and she saw Jaune still on the tree with her spear holding him there."
Pyrrha: Jaune? *he looks at her* Do you have any spots left on your team?
Jaune: *pretends to be angry and crosses his arms* Very funny.
"He then looks back at Pyrrha smiling as she smile. Both Ruby and Weiss left to go and find the temple but, soon they were surrounded by Grimms."
Weiss: Do you suddenly feel like you're a monsters lunch?
Ruby: Yeah, but we aren't going to let them eat us! *grabs Weiss and uses her Semblance to run away from the Grimms as they tried to follow after them*

Scene Change: Another Part of the Emerald Forest
"We see Yang looking for someone."
Yang: *to no one* Hello? Is anyone out there? Hello? Getting bored here. *hears a noise from behind her* Is someone there? *she then peeks in a bush* Ruby is that you? *the Grimm then stood up* Nope.
"The Grimm then tried to attack her, but she dodges and quickly activates her Ember Celica as another Grimm appeared. One of the Grimms then went to attack Yang as Yang punches him with her gauntlets as she did the same thing to the other Grimm who charged at her."
Yang: *to the Grimms* You guys wouldn't happen to have seen a girl in a red hood, would you? *the Grimms then stood back up and tried to attack her again, but she dodges them* You could just say no. Jeez, you two couldn't hit the broadside of a... *she saw a strand of her hair fall to the ground and she got furious* You... *her eyes turned red* You monsters! *she then used her Semblance as she easily dealt with one of the Grimms as the other Grimm went towards her as she faces it* What? You want some too?!
"The Grimm then got stabbed in it's back by Blake using her Gambol Shroud, as she and Yang just looked into each other's eyes."
Yang: *shrugs* I could have have taken him.

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