Things To Do In The Car

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Long car rides are extremely boring. But if you do these things, it may be the best ride ever.
1. Roll down the window and scream hi to every car you see.
2. Name something you see in alphabetical order.
3. Keep complaining to your parents when you will get there. DON'T STOP!
4. Make weird sounds with your body and create a song.
5. Annoy your siblings using hand gestures and taking up all the seat space.
6. Listen to music and turn it up all the way. Sing louder than the music.
7. Pretend to sleep and snore loud. When you get there make your parents carry you.
8. Start beat boxing using gangster slang and fancy words.
9. Pretend that something important flew out the window and make your parents stop and get it for you because it's important.
10. Take your shoe and put your feet up on the seat in front of you and say your "chilling".
11. When the car gets to the destination. Roll out the car like your a spy.
12. Constantly have to use the bathroom.
13. Start talking like a baby and transition to an old man repeatedly.
14. Pretend the seatbelt is broken and throw a tantrum.
15. Sing loudly with your headphones on like nobody's there.

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