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I sit there numb and still somehow I ended up in a hallway outside the room ,they had taken her away , her body cold and lifeless , Emilia was dead

I would never again see the little white bunny or have silent conversations nobody would understand

I had finally stopped crying there were no more tears left to cry ,the nurse had tried to examine me but I had pushed her away

Raven was back to her normal size for now and happily curled up in my lap as I stroked her fur

The boys were sitting all around and Chelsea was sitting infront of me on the floor hoping I would say something

Laito was next to me stroking my arm and being perverted anything to get a reaction out of me but it wasnt going to happen as I slowly stroked the wolf , kanato sat next to me holding teddy close , he almost seemed scared as I stared ahead at the blank white wall

Memories flooding my head


After the shock I had realised the boys were here and a nurse was trying to pry me away from my little sister as I held her cold dead hand and begged her to come back to me

*end of flashback*

And what if's

What if I hadn't relied on Chelsea , what if we had left sooner , what if I had behaved , what if I had accepted her lift that day

Also childhood memories... The first time I held her


It had been about two days but mum was doing better ,i had been at Chelsea's and finally I was going to see my new little sister

We had arrived at the hospital and I had run inside and classically gotten lost on my way to find mum I had run into the baby nursery and couldn't help but smile

Talking to a lady there she led me to my mums room and when I got there I saw the cute little baby wrapped in a pink blanket

I smiled getting into mums bed and laying beside her ,I was about 9 at the time and I cuddled mum , smiling she gave me my little sister "what's her name" I whispered as I glanced at mum "I thought I would let you choose my little namer" I smiled at mums nickname ,she had always seen my nack for naming things

Looking down at the little girl in my arms , she looked back with beautiful green-blue eyes "Emilia" I whispered

*end of flashback*

I had given her that name , it was so precious and beautiful like she was and now she was gone

So many thoughts , questions and regrets that came back to the same result in the end it was my fault , all my fault she was dead

As we walked towards the hospital exit I was shaking almost falling , I still refused the nurse and she was getting angry but I didnt care , kanato was helping me walk along with Chelsea but I honestly wasnt paying attention as we walked out into the rain

Even the sky was crying for Emilia "I have to tell mum" I whisper raven rubbing against my leg lightly

I saw rejii shake his head "you've caused enough trouble for one night ,lets get back to the house" I stood looking at him shocked as the black limo pulled up and he opened the door

I could see everyone looking between us "I hate you!" I scream as I glare at him "if you fucks would of left her out of this she wouldn't be dead" I had snapped ,I could feel kanato shaking me and I could tell he was scared

Looking down at him he looked so weak just like Emilia was but he wasnt he was a vampire , stepping away from him I looked at Chelsea "go , leave" I say angrily ,my blood was flowing as she walked towards me her wings stretched my own still blood soaked and weak "come with me" she offers her hand but I can't

"Just tell mum I'm sorry" I say turning away from her , I know she knows this is suicide and she wants to argue but a glare from me stops her "please" she whispers "GO!" I shout the ground splitting lightly vines raising ,I couldn't control my anger and despair any longer as she sadly flew towards the sky ,one last begging look at me before she was gone

I look around at the boys ,laughing as I start to cry again ,revenge would be sweet almost as sweet as my death

"This is for you Emilia" I cry as I scream the vines starting to snake up entrapping people and crushing the limo ,rejii looks at me annoyed as the vines start to grow larger the more blood I lose , my wolf grows bigger and I smile at her one last thing to complete but then I hear it

The unmistakable scream

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