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Maria's/error's Pov

I walk down the sidewalk to where the orphanage was. It has been what a few days or maybe it's only been two days since me and nightmare hung out. I finally arrive at the orphanage and was talking to the woman at the front desk she was very nice and sweet. But something kept telling me to adopt a child so being the person I am. I listen to my head and ask. Of course she accepted this was nerve wracking though because I'm only use to watching kids for a certain amount of time.(time skip cause why not  -_-) I was now walking home with haunted they seemed to cling to me as well walked they are a sweet kid but I could tell they can be danergous. Yeah as soon as I-I mean we arrive home they were already asleep and so I placed into the room near mine when Arien spoke "o~ is a child!" She said quite happily "yes and I'm more tired than I look so don't think about." I say quickly. After a few minutes I hear footsteps "Haunted what are you doing awake?" I ask. "I had a nightmare again." She stated. It took me a few seconds to process what she meant cause I never dealt with this before. " you wanna watch a show?" I asked. They bounced unlike me "Yes and can we have popcorn?" They looked happy and not tired "Yeah sure" I walk into the kitchen to make some popcorn (time skip look i'm lazy I know) there was a knock on the door and haunted said they'd get it even when I told them to let me do it the next thing I knew I was asleep with nightmare.

I know it's not much but I hope you guys like this so far I say so far cause why not I' ll update soon bye~

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