WNKA : FIVE, queen of the night

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On the balcony of the party venue, Eliza stood near the bar up against the wall nursing her drink, She observed the party with a watchful eye as she usually would

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On the balcony of the party venue, Eliza stood near the bar up against the wall nursing her drink, She observed the party with a watchful eye as she usually would. She wasn't overly dressed or wearing anything that made her appear like she didn't belong, so she always managed to fall somewhere between a wallflower and a part of the scene. Being the baby sister of the popular it girl and the twin of a model, she'd learned early on that although she'd never fit into the scene, she was always there so, she had to find her place. She followed her mother's advice often which was to "just get in where you fit in."

It was brisk for a September night. The sun had set about an hour ago and the sky was quickly becoming a midnight blue sparsely covered with thin white clouds. The balcony was lit up with bulb lights strung across the rails and over the tops of the awnings. She had picked her spot by the bar purposefully because when she walked by, she heard familiar voices coming from the other side of the corner. The voice she recognized was a smoothed over silky but slow one that could easily be confused for a southern twang, It was Royo, her former classmate and former client. He was having a conversation with a voice she'd recognized but couldn't place. Although she wanted to figure out who's voice it was, her thoughts were taking over to the point where she couldn't hear their conversation anymore so, she paused the investigation to listen.

"But, we're meant for eachother."

Royo blew out of his nose, "How do you know that?" he asked, sounding annoyed.

"Because. I've never felt this way about anybody before, Roy."

The way he paused before he spoke let Eliza know he was fed up. She waited to hear his response to what she thought was a sincere line. The way the man's voice trembled but was sure reminded her of a scene straight out of a romance novel. She was sure Royo would confess his love to the man in return, but instead she heard, "Suge. You've never been with anybody else before. How would you know that you couldn't feel whatever it is for some one new?"

Her heart dropped thinking about how Royo spoke of his feelings for this man the one and only time he'd ever opened up to her about it. It hurt her to hear this coming from him. It was as if he'd already decided he was done with him.

The other man scoffed, taken aback, "Whatever it is? Whatever it— you're kidding. You don't feel anything for me? You don't feel what I feel? When you look at me? When you kiss me?"

"I know what I feel. I don't kn— know. I don't know what you feel. I don't think you feel anything but lust for me if I'm being real, Wilbur. Do you even like me? Really? As anything more than someone to sleep with?"

"Damn." She whispered.

"I can't even fathom." She heard him pause, "I don't want to be with anybody else. I don't even." The man sighed. "Why are you doing this?"

Roy's voice was loud in his saying, "I'm not doing nothing, Suge. It's you. You told me how things are and I'm just supposed to go with it."

"I didn't want to do that to you. I don't want it to be like this at all. And it was never just about sex for me, Royo. I thought that was the type of relationship you wanted because you never brought up being serious— you never told me how you felt. And I'm sorry." Now the other man's voice was just as loud.

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