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"what is this?"

Kim dokja asked the man infront of him. Yoo Joonghyuk only stared at him with his usual resting bitch face.

'what is he planning?'

Kdj thought while watching Yjh's movements. Yoo Joonghyuk sighed at kdj's idiocy.


Yoo Joonghyuk said, as the scowl in his face deepened. Kdj looked down at the pendant in his hand then back at yjh.

His mouth opened and shut like a goldfish but nothing came out his mouth, to shock to react.

This was the first time he received a gift from someone, but more than that it was from his favorites protagonist.

'ok what the fuck....?'

He thought then heard the fourth wall saying he was an idiot.

Kim dokja of course ignored it unintentionally since he was to preoccupied with his thoughts.

'ok what? Did i just fucking received a gift from the sunfish bastard? What is he planning? Is this some kind of trap to lure me and kill me off quietly? But Yoo Joonghyuk won't do that, he's more on the head on attacker so i doubt he would do those type of things. But anyways why did he give me this? Did he get possessed? Is he really Yoo Joonghyuk? My Yoo Joonghyuk?'

"Kim dokja"

Kdj's train of thoughts get interrupted by yjh calling his name. Of course with a matching growl.

Kim dokja started sweating bullets under Yoo Joonghyuk's glare, that didn't went unnoticed by the other man making him click his tongue.

Yjh turned around and was about to leave when a hand touched the sleeve of his coat.

"Um...t-thank you...."

Kim dokja looked down and blushed after hearing himself stutter. He also let go of Yjh's sleeves and started making his own hands fumble around each other.

The silence remained between the two of them, making Kim dokja redder than he already is. He wished that the ground could swallow him up.

Yoo Joonghyuk blinked once then twice while silently looking at Kim dokja. He wasn't expecting for kdj to do that, heck he didn't even expect to receive a thank you from the squid bastard.

Yjh's lips twitch upwards, though it could barely be seen. Kdj also didn't noticed it but if he did, expect to see millions of pictures of it in his phone.

Kim dokja waited to hear anything from yjh with his beating heart that continously fasting it's pace.

'why isn't he saying anything? Will he get angry because i touch his coat? Will he ki-'

Kdj's train of thoughts was again interrupted but this time with a calloused hand on his head.

Kim Dokja's eyes enlarged by itself still processing the hand that was ruffling his hair, once he did it was gone.

He looked up only to see yjh walking away while dragging the tip of his sword on the ground.

'he's happy...'

Kdj thought, he doesn't know why the sunfish bastard was happy but that didn't stop him from making a smile of his own.

He looked at the pendant fondly and started inspecting it. Kdj tapped it once and he was enveloped with light making him close his eyes.

Kdj opened his eyes back and was stunned in his place.

The small hill he was standing on turned into a field of flowers. It wasn't just any flower it was his favorite one, dandelions.

ORV songfic, One shots with no angst!!!!Where stories live. Discover now