Kiss in the forehead!

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Kim dokja with the others were discussing about their plan for the next scenario.

"No we can't do that it's to dangerous! What if we can't make it out?! "

Sanggah asked, she with the others are starting to get agitated, they just doesn't seem to agree in one plan.

Kim dokja watched them quietly, he kept revising his plan. You see he already had a plan but it was quite the risky one (suicidal!), So he keeps revising it to ensure the safety of his companions when they use his plan.

He sighed feeling the growing headache coming. Dokja looked around trying to find a certain sunfish bastard.

'where is that bastard when you need him!'

He thought and finally spotted the male walking to the other side. Dokja smiled and walk towards him.

"Where are you going you bastard?!" Han sooyung asked making the others watch dokja go towards Yoo Joonghyuk.

Yoo Joonghyuk looked back because of the sudden shout from hsy only to see Kim dokja.

Kim dokja grab his arm then drag him to a nearby spot that has a stool he can step on.

"Kim dokja?" Yjh confusedly called.

Dokja step on the stool then made yjh face him, he can see the frown on Yjh's face turn to a confused one.

Kim dokja only smiled then used both of his hand to grab Yjh's cheeks, pulling it closer to his face, then kissing his forehead gently.

Yjh blinked once then twice, trying to process what the hell just happened. Meanwhile dokja let him go and go back to where the others are, still staring at him dumbfoundedly.

"So I've got a plan" dokja said with his usual smirk.

Uriel on the other hand was screaming her lungs out.

"Omg!!!! Lxyuebdioqbwisbwgdiabqiab!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! He kissed him!!!!!!!!!!!!" She shouted.

"Uriel shut up!!!!!!" Metraton shouted, he with the other archangels tried to block the shout but it was no use.

"She's at it again...." Sun Wukong said while putting on an earplug he just brought to drown out Uriel's voice.

"Can she just stop it!!!!" Abyssal black flame dragon shouted in pain.

"Good job my son! Get that man!" Persephone shouted in glee, she with her husband Hades are holding two plushie of Kim dokja.

"Dear calm down" Hades said towards his wife.

"I can't help it! I swear if they get separated, things will be a living hell! " Persephone said while glaring at the people who judge his son and called him words like disgusting or something.

Hades only sighed and pat his wife's head trying to calm her down and try not to cause hell to other places.

Secretive plotter glared at his screen, planning ways to kill his other self then take his place just so he could get a kiss from dokja.

Yjh finally snapped out of his thoughts and immediately walked towards Kim dokja and carry him like a sack of potato before running of to somewhere.

"Hey give him back we're still not done planing!!!!" Hsy shouted very much annoyed.

The others sighed and decided that they would just continue planning later. Sanggah placed her hands on hsy's head and started patting it.

"Calm down..." Sanggah said, hsy pouted and hug her, burying her face to Sanggah's neck.

"Those two are such a bastard" Hsy mumbled which made sanggah chuckle and nod.

"I guess they are" Sanggah said then kissed hsy in the forehead.

"I love you~" Hsy said with a cute smile.

"Love you too~" Sanggah said with a smile of her own.


A/N: lol! Anyways please suggest other songs i could use to make a songfic!!!

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