Chapter 7

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"You what?!" Jisung exclaimed

Minho already told the other guys about his talk with seungmin earlier, and so far they aren't it. Guess they hated Jinhwa as well.

"Then what are you still doing here? You should follow them!" Jeongin scolded

"I respect him, besides if ever seungmin would text me he wants to break up at least you guys would be here to comfort me" Minho sighed

"Hey, Seungmin would never do that. He loves you, always remember that." Chan said while patting Minho's back in hopes that it could somehow give the other some comfort.

Meanwhile the exes, they were now at a cafe but are still feeling awkward to speak.

Moments later. Breaking the silence, the two finally decided to speak however they were both in unison "So..."

"Oh you go first" Jinhwa insisted

Having so many questions, seungmin didn't even hesitate to ask "Why? Why have you cheated? Wasn't I enough? Did I do something wrong? Did you even loved me? Was all of those a lie?" The younger was almost rapping, unable to contain his feelings

Jinhwa then sighed "I..I didn't do it on purpose, you see that day when you caught me kissing that girl, you were supposed to go to LA for a contest representing our school. I know I said it was okay but, I was scared, that you'd find someone else while we're apart so I let myself get drunk in hopes that it'll help ease the pain but then I got so drunk that I was out of my mind, then you saw me kiss that girl. I swear I didn't even know her" The older explained

"Then why did you drink?! You could've just told me that you didn't want me to leave! I-i also didn't want to leave but I was afraid that I'd dissapoint you if I'd back out" Seungmin replied

"Well, that wasn't the only reason why I decided to get drunk" Jinhwa trailed off "I was planning to propose to you on the very day you were supposed to leave, I've been wanting to do it so many times and that day I was supposed to but I found out about the contest so I canceled it. Remember when you told me that I was being distant? I was already planning about the proposal that time. Funny that I've even imagined our future, us being officially tied, us adopting kids and so many things that we always wanted. But I guess it wasn't what fate wants" Jinhwa chuckled sadly

Hearing those words, seungmin began to tear up "I'm was all my fault all along, I ruined everything. D-did you come here because of me? Did you change school just to see me?" He asked

"At first, I came here because I wanted to get you back but...seeing how happy you are with Minho I finally realized that you have moved on and so should I. Now, I just wanted to explain my side to you and apologize, and I finally did it" Jinhwa smiled "Don't blame yourself for what happened, it was both our faults for not talking it out. Now I won't bother you and Minho again, take care of him I can see that he loves you very much" And, those were the last words Jinhwa said before finally leaving

Seungmin had already calmed down, smiling ear to ear excited to see his boyfriend. Oh how eager he was to hug Minho and give him lots of kisses.

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