01: You're Okay!

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It's been a week since Villanelle had been shot. There you sit, beside her hospital bed hoping for a miracle.

As you sit in silence, there is a knock at the door. You turn your head, hoping its a doctor; it isn't. It's Konstantin.

"Y/n, I told you earlier to get some sleep. You've hardly done anything over the past week." he says. You pout. "I have done stuff." you argue.

His expression drops. "You've slept four times in the past week, each being during the day and only for three hours max. You need proper rest." he says, walking over to you.

He sits beside you and rubs your back. "That is enough sleep for me." you say, rubbing your eyes. "What about food? You've been eating this shitty hospital food the whole time."

You look up and him and shift your body towards him. "I could do with something decent." you whisper. He raises his eyebrows. "Look, how about you go down the road and get something real to eat? I'll call you if anything changes."

You nod and fish your wallet from your bag. He is right, you haven't done anything to help yourself since Villanelle was shot.

With her being in a coma, you couldn't bring yourself to leave her room. The only decent thing you have done over the week is shower and keep your hygiene up to scratch.

Once you get back with your food, you sit down and eat. Konstantin smiles at the sight of you finally doing something other than worrying about Villanelle.

Just as you finish eating, you hear a groan from Villanelles bed. You jump up and hurry over to her.

"Villanelle, love, are you awake?" you ask, hope in your voice. Konstantin stands up and steps towards the bed.

Villanelle's eyes pry open. You start crying happy tears. "You're awake, oh my god you're awake."

You lower your head out of pure exhaustion. "Y/n, Konstatin?" she manages. You're head jolts up. "Yes, it's us. I'm so glad you're awake." you smile through your tears.

Konstantin wonders off to find a doctor, leaving you both alone.

"How long have I been out for?" she asks. "A week." you tell her. Her eyes widen. "Shit, how have you been?" she asks, attempting to shift her body. You stop her.

"No love, stop. Rest." you start. Konstantin interrupts. "That's a lot coming from you. You have hardly slept since the incident." he says, laughing.

A doctor follows him in and you step back giving her space. You sit down and sink into the sofa. While the doctor is checking Villanelle, you manage to fall asleep.

You sleep for a long five hours. As you wake, you smell food. "Mmm, what's that smell?" you ask, stretching. "There she is. Finally got some decent shut eye, did you?" Konstantin jokes.

"There's food beside you." Villanelle smiles, pointing. You look beside you to see a McDonalds bag resting on the chair, a Coca-Cola sitting beside it.

After you all finish eating, you walk over to Villanelle and pull a chair next to her. You sit down and grab her hand. "You're okay! I can't believe you're okay!" you say, tearing up again.

Villanelle wipes your eyes and you rest your head beside her. "Can't get rid of me that easily." she chuckles. You laugh and kiss her hand.

You look at her eyes. She does the same to you. Konstantin notices and leaves, shutting the door behind him. "I was so scared that you wouldn't wake up." you tell her.

She smiles slightly. You cup her face with one hand, the other staying where it is.

You take a minute to gaze into her eyes. "I love you Villanelle." you blurt. Surprised by your words, Villanelle's eyes widen and start to tear up.

"You do?" she asks, her voice shaking. You nod. "How could I not." you reply.

She motions for you to sit next to her, so you do. You sit awkwardly, in attempt to avoid hurting her. She shifts hurting herself.

"No Vee st-"
"Y/n , I got thi- ahh"
"Villanelle, stop-"
"No, it's fine. I'm fine."
"Are you-"
"Yes, I'm fine. Look, sorted."

You shift and sit next to her properly. She rests her head on your shoulder and intertwines her fingers with yours. "I love you too." she says, smuggling closer.

A.N: Chapter 01 done, more to come soon. Hope you enjoy this story (There WILL be a happy ending) and continue reading. <3

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