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He looked at me with a soft smile playing on his lips

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He looked at me with a soft smile playing on his lips. I still remember the way his eyes would widen when he would smile, the dimple on his right cheek digging into his skin making him look more handsome them ever.

The sparkle of eyes and the fondess they would shower while staring at me, were giving me butterflies in stomach. It was so pleasant and so calm. He was siting and drinking coffee, ah! The foregin coffee which his family being the elite was gifted with.

I smiled at him, my sweaty hands in my pocket. His smile which I knew was about turn to in a lopsided grin suddenly frowned. I knew. I knew why this happened, my smile was present there along with tears. The tears of sadness. The tears which meant our time was till this moment.

He was about to get up, to comfort me. But before he could, I ran outside the small restaurant where we used to meet daily until today. He would never tell anyone, he would fight the whole world if it meant being close to me. He was ready to do everything but I am coward. A big one at that. I can't do that. My family is not elite, we are just lower middle class people somehow trying to feed themselves in the middle of oppression.

How am I supposed to the man I loved that I am going to leave this town, this state and this life because we can't feed ourselves here. He would be heartbroken and maybe, he would want to help me. But then, people would question, about us and I can't let that happen. The man who has loved me through all difficulties of my life, I can't make that person a outcast, it would be better if I leave his world forever and make my own world, without him.

I wish, there was world, I thought as I ran towards my house, a world where it was accepted a man to love another man.


"Atharv, are you even listening to yourself now?" I asked my grandson, as I continued eating my kheer.

"Yes, Dadu. I am an adult and I think this is the best way I could a soulmate for myself becuase those dating apps are a big frauds," Atharv grumbled, as he ate the last piece of tacos. It is difficult to belief that this young guy here is nearly 25 year old.

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