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I remembered the first day, we had met

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I remembered the first day, we had met. It was not that the weather was surprising good, butterflies were flying in air or the world just felt still. Rather, it was weekday in the early days of May, the sun was right on the top of head. I was the newly appointed sweet maker in a sweet shop, who was working in front for the fire for about six hours now, covered in sweat and dust. That was when I saw him. He came to the shop to buy sweets for his elder sister's prospective groom, dressed in white shirt and black coat along with black trousers. I felt under-dressed in my white vest and white pajama, seeing his attire.

He was waiting infront of the shop with a man standing with an umbrella for him, not letting the harsh rays touch his soft cream colored skin. His eyes were in beautiful shade of amber brown and were adorned with a pair of spectacles. I suddenly loathed my sand colored skin and boring brown eyes, while I starred at him.

I looked down over at the jalebi, I was making and countined forming the rings while my mind again wandered to his thoughts. I knew since I was eight, that I was different but after attaining puberty, I understood what it was. I didn't liked what most boys of my age liked, I wasn't attracted towards girls rather I liked guys. But I never felt this cruel amount of attraction over someone as I felt for the young man infront of me.

I continued making few more loops of jalebi when I suddenly felt someone starring at me, which was not cool. I know, I am a mess right now but is was rude to stare at someone. Thinking it was some young boy making puppy eyes over the sweets, I looked up to the young man looking me. I looked at him and still, he looked at me. His face looked determined but there was no frown or smile on his lips. Feeling weird, I looked down again.

"Chotu, leaves," I shouted for the young helper. I knew he was starring at me still and it was making me feel nervous. I just wanted to complete his order already.

"Bhaiya," the young helper responded and handed me some of the leaves to cover the jalebi in them, so that I could hand over it to the young man.

I quicked picked up the big golden ones and wrapped them, before I got up to give the sweets.

"Take this," I said to the chauffeur of the young man who hastily took the sweets and placed them inside their car before giving me my money.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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