the wedding

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It was the day of eddie sister wedding )I got up ate some breakfast then I headed over at the church I saw his entire family and wow he had a lot of them then I saw eddie so I went over to him.I saw juicy walking towards me but just as he was walking to me I saw him trip just as he was going to fall I caught him!just in I was walking to eddie I suddenly trip but before I fell Eddie caught me then he lifted me up like I was a bride that just got married.Then he put me down and said .are you OK juicy. are faces were so close I thought he was going to kiss me I blushed really really hard I look like a tomato then the wedding started so we hurried to be on stage (but to my surprise I saw eddie blushing too)I guess he likes me no gage don't think a head of your self.(sorry this story might be bad its my first one)

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