I think i love him🥵🥴😏

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(Juicy is intact)(eddie is bold)
As i run downstairs I hear eddie say don't or you will fall again so I reply OK (the rest of this story is only about eddie)I I really like juicy as a friend but I wished we were more than friends but as a kid my parents never like gay people that is the reason why I moved out so early and started dinking when I was 15 but now since there not here anymore I guess I can be gay but what will the boys think of me .I passed out the food then I told juicy I was going to use the restroom he said OK when o came back he said the food was yummy like he was 5 or something but then he came up to me and are faces were only 3 inches away from each other then my pants felt tight this could only mean one thing I had a boner caused by juicy my own friend I was embarrassed so I ran to my room shutting the door room shutting the door behind me and went to sleep

eddie x JuicyWhere stories live. Discover now