spilling the truth about the blacks

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Draco looked around the room trying to take in the people and the atmosphere in the room. 

his steps were slow. his breathing was getting quicker whilst his hands and forehead were starting to sweat heavily and he couldn't think straight. He knew that he needed to grip control of himself before another panic attack comes on and takes over his body and that is more embarrassing than him trying to get any words out like a fish out of water. 

"Hey it's okay Draco, we aren't going to hurt you, just want to meet you, after all, your family after all" tonks started 

"i..i..just..sorry.." he started 

"Draco we know you're trying to be a good kid, I see you in school, minus a few spats and arguments with harry which by the way drives us all insane, you're a good kid, you've not cursed an unforgivable, you've not turned to black magic and your not a bad kid, not everyone is like there parents. I promise you we don't hate you" Remus interrupted him. 

Draco just looked at him with teary eyes. 

"b..but I have done bad things and I just wanna be a normal kid I don't want the pressures from my dad. I want to be like you Sirius, brave and loyal, I want to be like you andromeda, knowing what is right and not caring about the consequences. I want to be like you tonks, an amazing fighter and firearse person that puts up with no shit. what happened to the blacks? I want to be a good person" he spoke sadly and slowly barely whispering the last sentence. 

"hey, hey Draco, what did you do?" tonks asked. 

"i..i.. became a death eater" he whispered slowly before breaking out into tears. 

"i..i..I didn't have a choice.. my dad...h..he ..he would have used the crucio on me again and again until I agreed" he started 

"and even when I agreed he held my arm tight not letting me pull back at all until the deed was done but dam i..i..it hurt like hell..like your arms are on constant fire " he continued through tears

harry just scooped him up into his arms and tried to comfort him as much as possible. 

"i..i..i..i..I tried to stay strong I did but he .he did horrible things to me..to mum. I was just waiting until the day he used the killing curse on me so..so..so maybe one day all this pain would be over" he continued to sob whilst revealing his dark mark to all of them

"so..so..so..yes..yes..I've used an unforgivable b..but it was because he was doing inappropriate things..and I got scared and I thought there was no choice...so...so I hit him with crucio" he continued 

"i..i..i...i. I didn't see any way out of this. I am so so sorry I mean it... I tried...I really tried to be good. I just don't want to do deal with this anymore" Draco sobbed hard finishing his story

"Listen to me Draco.. you are not your father that I can promise..you did what you did to survive. you joined the dark side to protect yourself and your mum. your not a bad person he is and I promise you I'm getting you out of that house and far away from the evil monster that is your father." Sirius said 

"r..really?" Draco questioned.

"yes, we promise. ill even adopt you if I have to. is it your mum as well as your dad?"Andromeda questioned 

"m..mainly my dad..my mum isn't a bad person she just trying to survive.. shes bruised and battered and scared for her life I'm sure my dad abused her in other ways too I'm just too afraid to ask or discover..shes not a death eater unlike aunt Bella and my father," he concluded

at this stage harry was busy helping his friend by rubbing circles on his back and kissing the top of his head. this for Draco seemed to work a treat. 

"now Draco tell no one about this and we will find a solution I promise just stay strong you'll be out of that house soon..your mother well that may be harder but I promise no matter what happens you'll still see your mum" Sirius confirmed. 

Draco just nodded

"but tell us about you. we want to know about you we knew you existed but were forbidden to make contact due to the whole being cast aside thing" andromeda spoke up

"okay yeah I can do that" he started relinking his hands with Harry for an extra layer of comfort. 

"so im draco lucuis malfoy,born June 5th 1980. my favourite food is apples, especially the green apple type man I love those mainly for breakfast and light snacks, I love animals but hate hippogriffs one almost tried to kill me once. I love the colour green anything silk, oh and my colenge is my best friend honestly, I love the scents of roses and vanilla. quidditch makes me happy especially when I beat Harry's arse.." he continued 

harry just laughed

"I'm such a great seeker if I say so myself... I love fashion and potions is my favourite. one day if I'm allowed I want to be a healer and help people because in all honestly I'm such a softie at heart and my friends honestly mean the world to me because sometimes I feel like they are all I have" he waffled on

this went on longer then expected with everyone going backwards and forwards in easy light conversation just getting to know each other and getting along amazingly much to Harry's happiness. 

everything was finally sticking into place. 

Draco finally had family that cared for him and after spending all that time in that office that afternoon and talking about all the god awful things they had encountered. it felt great. it felt like part of his was free. 

and on top of everything harry. Harry James Potter was there the whole time still holding me supporting me and appeared to be loving me and not hating me. 

he may not be one hundred percent sure of his feelings about the boy. but he knew that the boy made him feel happy and he didn't want to argue with such a precious boy anymore and maybe just maybe they could be friends and possibly with time more than friends

god knows. but for now, Draco was taking this. happiness in his heart surrounded by people who cared. good people who fought for good and wanted to help. and maybe just maybe one he wouldn't have to endure the pain brought on by his god awful father and his death eater aunt. 

and maybe just maybe one day he could be free living with a family that loved him. 

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