Two Undercover Super Reporters

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A dozen kids mysteriously disappeared in Fawcett. Investigative reporter Billy Batson had gone undercover to crack the case.

As Whiz Network's boy reporter, Billy Batson was easily recognizable.

So the little boy put on horn rimmed glasses to hide his brilliant blue eyes.
He slicked back his hair for his mission.

Instead of his usual red sweater, he wore a grey sweat shirt and sweat pants  to blend in with the other kids in the camp.

As Captain Marvel, he tracked the child trafficking ring to this innocent looking children's education camp. He knew who the culprits were but couldn't do anything without hard evidence.

The culprits covered their tracks well. Everything seemed to disappear whenever The Captain was within a hundred yards of this place.

So Billy enrolled in the camp under a fake identity Mr Morris arranged for him.

Skulking inside the building he had tracked the culprits to as Captain Marvel, tiny little Billy slipped into a vent and closed the grating to cover his tracks.

"Experiment.. new kid..." a heavily accented voice wafted from one of the rooms.

Crawling through the vent, Billy recorded the conversation that the Captain could later use as evidence.

Peeking through the vent, he saw vials of glowing green liquid and various strange equipment.

There was a large metal box in the room.

He took photos and videos of everything he could through the vent.

"Do you hear something?" A woman in a lab coat hushed her companions as she looked in his direction.

Billy's heart pounded as he retreated, trying to make himself even smaller as he hid deeper in the vent.

A burly man strode up to the vent and ripped away the grating. He shone a torchlight peering through it.

"Just rats," he dismissed with a wave of his hand.

Crawling through the vent, he heard muffled cries. Around a dozen kids were gagged and tied up. Quickly, he snapped photos which uploaded automatically to Whiz network's server for backup.

All that's left was for him to transform and round up the crooks.

Slipping out of the vent into an empty  room he dropped into the waiting hands of a big man.



Superman's hands were tied.

Underground labs were experimenting on unwitting subjects, trying to create the metagene to give them powers.

Everything he found was above the board. They hid all traces of any incriminating evidence thoroughly.

They were wary of Superman but Clark had better luck.

His sources led him to this education camp in Fawcett. Perry arranged for him to teach the creative writing module here.

Scanning the building with x-ray vision yielded no results. The walls, floors and ceilings were lined with lead.

His super hearing picked up scurrying sounds from the roof above him. Whatever that was, it was too big to be a rat.

The vent grating opened and a tiny boy dropped out from it like a baby chick from its nest.

Carefully, he caught the scrawny little boy.

Itty Bitty Billy BatsonWhere stories live. Discover now