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nightmare's pov

i was a bit angry how that stupid cheese stick teased
me, but yet i kinda have a feeling for him, it
feels weird, you know nightmare, bill said,
what is it? oh i just wanted to ask about
how you feel about when i kissed you. well,
uh, - i kinda blushed a little when he said that,
i guess it felt a little nice.?

bill's pov

a little nice hm.? you wanna do it again i teased to nightmare once again.
i saw him blush a bit more when i said that, eh!? n-no thanks.
i can tell night wanted another one but hes just embaresed to even tell me,
heh, alright then. i patted nightmare on the head and left.

killer's pov

yes i know boss said not to spy on him again i still wanna see
what he's doing. i saw that the cheese stick looking guy
was gone, so i left to the kitchen and made boss some coffee,
well i have to unless i wanna die. i knocked on the door
and heared the voice say, who is it, i said its me killer.
then the door opened.

nightmare's pov

what do you want killer? i made you some coffee boss its in the kitchen table. good now scram, killer left to where dust and horror were i
walked to the kitchen and grabed my coffee, i sat down and started watching some anime.

242 words sorry if its short tho ill be working on the cream story.

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