Chapter 13

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( at the club )

Nightmare : Alright, Murder go with Horror, and Killer you're with me alright?
Killer : heh alright.

( Horror and Murder went over to their places )

Killer : So boss, how are we gonna do this?
Nightmare : Just a grab and go, unless we have witnesses or guards nearby.
Killer : Well alright.

( with Horror and Murder )

Murder : Horror, do you have the grenade?
Horror : yea, here.
( horror gave murder the grenade )
( on the "ear" piece w/ NM and Murder )
Murder : boss, are you in place? We're about to bomb the vault door.
Nightmare : Yea, now bomb the damn door so we're out of here.
Murder : Alright.
( Murder threw the grenade at the vault )
Murder : Alright we gotta go Horror!
Horror : Alright-

( with Killer and NM )

Nightmare : Killer go and disable the lasers as I try and get the diamond alright?
Killer : Right.

( Killer disabled the lasers and Nightmare git the diamond from the vault )

( on the "ear" piece w/ NM and MTT )
Nightmare : Alright everyone get out before i bomb the place!
Murder : boss you didn-
Nightmare : just get out of the club alright, i'm destroying evidence.
Horror : alright then.

( NM and the MTT left the club as NM bombed the the entire place. )

( TBC )

Words : 205


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