(Meeting the fox and the sage of six path)

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Naruto was laying down in front of his apartment . When hiruzen came there . He found naruto laying on the ground unconscious . So he tried to wake him up but he didn't do anything. Then Hiruzen check up his body to find anything odd. But then relaxed as he saw that the boy was completely fine . He was just unconscious. He carried him to the hospital. When he was on his way to the hospital some anbu came near him .

'' Hokage-sama what happened . The sudden release of kyuubi chakra is now nowhere to be found?'' said the crow[Itachi]

Hokage then sighed and said '' Crow, I want you to tell everyone that the situation is now under control and tell the clan heads that I want a meeting immediately''

Itachi then nodded and disappeared in second. Then hokage looked towards the anbu with the dog mask(Kakashi)

'' I want you come with me to the hospital and look after naruto when I am in the meeting. If anyone tried to do anything just kill them. '' Hiruzen said in cold voice .

Even Kakashi got a little scared but then replied

'' Hai Hokage-sama.'' said Kakashi.

With that Hiruzen nodded and started walking towards the hospital with Kakashi behind him.

When they reached the hospital. The nurses come and checked Naruto . Hiruzen sighed in relief after the nurse told him that Naruto is completely fine just unconscious because of using too much energy. Hiruzen did knew that Naruto is okay but was still worried about him. Then an anbu came.

'' Hokage-sama the council meeting is in 15 min. And everybody has arrived . They are waiting for you'' told Itachi to Hiruzen.

Hiruzen then said '' I will be there in few minutes''

Then anbu then disappear leaving some leaves where he was standing. Hiruzen before walking looked towards Kakashi . Kakashi understanding the look nodded. Then Hiruzen started walking towards meeting place. Kakashi then stand at the side of Naruto's bed with his guard.

Hiruzen came into the meeting room where all the members were waiting for him looked towards him and bowed . In the meeting room there were heads of all the clans in konoha and some civilians. Behind Hiruzen there was his former teammates and sitting in the corner side not too far was our most hated bastard danzo. The hokage then sat on his seat and announced '' Let the meeting begin''.

In Naruto's mind scape-

Naruto woke up laying in a dark sewer. He then got up and started looking around thinking again that where he was again now. As Naruto was looking around he saw some light in a direction. Naruto then started walking towards the light . When he reached there he saw a giant cage that was biggest cage he had even seen. He then heard a similar voice.

'' Gaki look like you have survived huh, you almost stealed all of my back there'' said the unknown person.

Naruto didn't know the person but recognise that the voice was same as the voice he heard during the attack.
Realising the attack Naruto become sad remembering the events that had happened tonight and that today was his birthday makes him more sad . Naruto was brought back from his thoughts when he heard the person spoke again.

'' oh, Naruto are you hearing me? Oye answer me '' said the person

Naruto then jumped a little in surprise.

'' y-yes I can hear you '' Naruto replied

'' Um...who are you I can't see you'' Naruto said a little scared.

Kurama seeing the boys worried face sighed and smiled as he spoke again .

'' If you want to see me come across the gates then you can see me clearly'' said the person.

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