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Hi lovelies! Thank you for checking out Liam and Nova's story!

Worth Fighting For has been published!

This is only a sample. The Prologue and Chapters 1-5 will be all that is on here. I will be providing links below if you decide that you'd like to continue reading after the sample chapters.

At the time, I only have DISCREET paperback options available since I know the majority love those, but please do not be fooled, the book is spicy.

Universal Link:

(E-book & Paperback): https://books2read.com/u/mlL6AB 

Worth Fighting For is also FREE with your Kindle Unlimited subscription.

It is currently only available to purchase on Amazon, so if you have any questions or trouble getting your copy, please reach out and let me know.

I've had a few people ask if the Wattpad version is the same as the published version, and the answer to that question is no. While the story is still the same, along with the help of my editor, I've made some major content edits on the story, made it more of a slow burn (ish), and cleaned up a lot of the side plots and side characters. This version is so much stronger than the original.

Here are the links to reach out to me:

Instagram: www.Instagram.com/cassieflinwrites

Website: www.cassie-flinchum.com

Cassie's Cliterature Squad (Facebook Group): www.facebook.com/groups/1952025725005715/

TikTok: www.TikTok.com/

And lastly, thank you SO much to everyone who has read the book, plans to read the book or simply supports by sharing, because without you, I wouldn't have been able to make a dream of mine come true and publish this book.

And a plus... we're not totally done with this world yet. Two side characters will be getting a story.

That's all. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Worth Fighting For - PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now