the club

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The time ticks by in my communications class. One of the slowest classes. Ever. The notes being scribbled down don't ease my boredom, but rather increase it.

I pull out my phone, an idea bouncing around my head.

"Can we go out tonight?" I text the groupchat with Dalton, Kai, and I.

The reply is almost instant.

"I know just the place," Kai says.

"Where?" I ask.

"You'll find out, it's a surprise."

At this point, i'm almost giggling while writing down what this teacher has to say. But, its only 1 p.m. and I still have my English Language and Writing class from 2-3:30.

The class is finally over. And I have an hour to study for this quiz. So, I head over to the library on campus. Walking into the silence, it's almost serene and I love it. I look around for an open table and find the perfect little seat by the window, with a nice cushioned chair. Situating my earbuds into my ears, I pull my notes and computer out of my bag; setting it on the table. Female Robbery by The Neighborhood resonated from my airpods and i'm immediately in the zone.

Around 15 minites go by so, I look up at the clock. 1:25. Still have time. And then, I catch the eye of some guy and he smirks as we make eye contact.

I shake my head, not giving this guy the time of day. Disgusting. I'm trying to study.

30 seconds later. Oh-so-shockingly, a shadow overtakes my notes as I'm reading. I look up. Low and behold, it's the guy from across the room. Standing way too close to me.

I roll my eyes and pause my music.

"Yes?" I say, breaking his silence.

"Ooh, feisty," He smiles again.

"Thanks," I look back at my notes.


"What," I sigh, "I'm trying to study."

"Ok, ok. I'll make it quick. I saw you walk in and um- I think you're really cute. Maybe you would like to go to my place and you know..?"

"No," I simply say.

"Why, i'm-"

"I have a boyfriend."

"2 actually," A voice startles me and creepy guy turns around.

Not quite face to face with Kai. Weird guy is shorter than him by maybe half-a-head.

Creepy guy scoffs.

"Fine, if she's like that. How 'bout a fuck buddy?" He turns to me, disgust already painted on my face.

"What the fuck."

Heads in the library turned. Shit.

"I swear to god motherfucker, if you ever say that about my girl again, I will personally make sure your toungue is no longer in your mouth. Understand?"

Wow. That was hot.

Creepy guy scoffs again, "Slut," He whispers.

Kai looks at me, rage painted across his face.

I shake my head. And he walks to me.

"Not worth it, " I say, "I need to study, I have a quiz in 20 minutes. Why are you here?"

"I just came to bring you this," He replies.

I just now realize the coffee and croissant that he's holding in one hand. A smile lights up my face.

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