Chapter 3

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I woke up and changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a random shirt. I threw on my TOMS. I through my hair up in to a messy pony tail and brushed my teeth. I put on light make up then went down stairs. My dad and Pattie were eating pancakes. He had bags under his eyes and her eyes were puffy. I sighed. Justin came down and looked at us. "Uhm. morning. Alfredo and Sarah went to the beach. just so you know." I nodded and grabbed and apple. "I am going to head down to the school. Are you not going to work?" I asked my dad grabbing my purse.  

"No I called in sick. Be careful. and tell Andrea I would miss her and hope she is doing good." I nodded and walked out to my car. "Hey. I am coming" I heard Justin stat. "Whatever." My head was pounding. "I will drive." 

"No. nobody drives my car besides my dad or Sarah. " I growled.  

He took my keys out if my hand and wiggled them above his head. "How are you going to get there now?" 

"Fuck you." I said pushing past him and getting into the passenger seat. I laid my head back and started to fall asleep. "How do you get there?" Justin asked awaking me. "This is why I should have drove. Just take Sunset Ave. to Moonlight Street and you will see it on the right." 

He nodded and we stayed silent. We finally made it to the middle school. I looked around and I couldn't recognize a soul. I walked into the school and Justin followed behind. The secretary smiled at me, then realized who I was. "Jessica. How are you? How is your dad?" 

"We are good thanks. Can I see Andrea Kortz please. I would like to talk to her." She smiled and nodded. 

"Andrea Kortz to the office please. Andrea Kortz to the office please." She said into the speaker. I watched the door and seen Andrea walk in slowly. "Yes ms- Jessica?" She came over and wrapped her arms around me and I did the same back. "Just go into the back room." The secretary told us and Justin followed.  

Andrea didn't look like ANDREA. She looked as if I would touch she would break. She was so skinny and her eyes were droopy. "How are you?" I asked her. 

"I am good. The last 2 months have been hard. But I am good." 

"You never came over to read your note. I was worried." 

"I was afraid to. To see what she had to say. I was scared that she would say some thing like for me to move on from her. which is sort of impossible." 

"How is Sam?" I asked remembering Taylor's boyfriend at the moment. I never really paid attention to them though. 

"He is a wall flower. he doesn't talk often. He is failing most of his classes. He only talks to me in occasions. Then something about Taylor would come up and he would just go mute."  

"Do you think you guys could come over after school I have some things for you guys." 

"I will ask him. I have to go I am going to be late for class." 

"Wait Andrea." 


"Take this." I was Taylor's necklace that she got from Andrea on there 10 best friend anniversary. 

"I asked your dad to put that in her grave." She started to cry. I wrapped his arms around her. "Hey. Shh. I know he didn't give me my letter she wrote to me. I can go there later if you want. " 

"No. I can." She took the necklace out of my hand and walked out the room. I wiped away the tears that were about to come out of my eyes and looked at Justin. "Can I have my keys?" I asked. 

"No. Come on." He walked out and I glared at him. We got go my car and I refused to get in.  

"Come in Jessica." 

"No give me my keys." 


"Look just because your a fucking pop star doesn't mean you are king of the world." 

"Just because my mom is dating your dad doesn't mean I have to be nice to you. " 

"Fuck you." 

"In the school parking lot. I don't think that's appropriate." 

I just glared at him and leaned up against the car. "Jessica? Come on. Here are your keys." He handed them to me and I went to the drivers seat and started it. He climbed in and I drove home. I walked in and my dad was sitting at the island. He had a glass of wine sitting in front of him.  "Daddy, are you okay?" I asked sitting in front of him.

"Why did you have to go in there?" He asked harshley.

"How many glasses have you, uhm, had?" 

"ANSWER MY QUESTION!" He screamed at me. I knew what was happening. He was drinking again. Like when mom died. He was an alcoholic for a couple of months, then when Taylor died it was almost the same, except less worse. "Answer me." He growled. i gulped and looked at Justin who was on his phone. "Jessica. Answer me."

"I mised her and wanted something to remember her. Where is Pattie?"

"She went home. She said she will be back later." He mumbled. I grabbed the glass of wine and dumped it down the drain. 

"What are you doing?" He asked grabbing my arm.

"Getting rid of the devil." I mumbled. I heard him gasp. Knowing why; That's what Taylor and I used to call the wine. 

"Wheres dad?" She asked.

"With the devil. Lets just leave him be."

"No, I am getting rid of it. The devil is going to leave. Its never going to come back either." Taylor walked out of the room and down stairs. I heard my dad yell, then crying. I raced down stairs to see them wrapped into each others arms. I just stood there. Not wanting to move. Afraid  he would hit me like he has before. "The devil is gone. Dad. Its gone. Promise you won't bring it home again." I heard him sniffle. "I promise baby. I promise." They stayed there. I stayed there watching them. It seemed forever until he finally noticed me. He looked at me, then looked away, as if he didn't want see me. I ran upstairs and stayed there all night. I started to hear laughter after a while. They didn't care how I was.   'He love her more.' my mind thought. I started to cry. Nobody came for me when i cried. Yet, they did when she did. 'She's skinnier, she's prettier. What are you?' my mind asked itself. 'ugly.' It answered then I feel asleep.

"You promised Taylor that it won't come back." I put the cup down and walked past him and to the fridge. "This is only allowed around Pattie and I. One cup an hour. Thats it." Leaving him so he couldn't answer and walked to my room. I just played on my phone, scrolling through TWITTER. Well at least trying to but so many thoughts were running through my mind. I could hardly take it.

"We're leaving." I heard my mom stay. I sat on the edge of the steps with Taylor listening to Mom and Dad argue. "No, Lindsey. No please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

"Why? Why would you say that? Jessica doesn't know and never will. The girls and I are going to go to my moms. Stay and think over everything you have said tonight. I love you John." I heard my mom's footsteps. Taylor and I scurried into my room and acted as if we didn't hear anything. "Girls get some clothes we are going to Grandma's tonight." She said kissing our heads.

"Is daddy coming?" five year old Taylor asked.

"No sweety. Daddy is staying home. Now come on get your stuff together." She started helping us and we got all our stuff together. We grabbed out special blankets and left. "Mommy?" I looked at my mom driving with tears in her eyes. "Yes Jessy?"

"What did daddy say to make you mad?"

"Nothing baby. Daddy just has a lot of work to do at the moment. I thought we would let him be."

"Was it something about me?"

"No baby. Just go to sleep. We won't be at grandma's for a while."

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